Karibuni kwenye ulimwengu wa Tamthilia, leo nitawaletea Tamthilia ya La Tomento Tamthilia inayooneshwa kupitia Channel Ten ya jijini Dar es salaam..karibu msomaji huu ndio mwanzo na mwishi wa Tamthilia hii ya kusisimua bila shaka kila mmoja wenu anaitambua Lugha:
Chapter 1 (Of 23 January to 29 the January of 2006)
The Storm What is going to happen?
• Isabela arrives at the town with the nursemaid of its premium.
• Trinidad receives excited its first kiss.
• Simón `desfoga' in the brothel ofthe town.
After promising to its father, Ernesto Montilla, that the familiar property willsave of the ruin, Maria Teresa move to Brave Port; but its arrival will not be indeed pleasant. Saints, the overseer, are in charge to go to look for the young person.
This one,customary to the comforts of the city, dies of the scare when it discovers that it will haveto mount in donkey to arrive at the property. But the worse thing is about to arrive… In the way several men assault to them and try to violate it. Fortunately, Saints prevent that the delinquents, sent by Simón Guerrero, that lives in a property near the one on the Montilla, fulfill their objective. Saints are stopped unjustly Furious to the knowledge that their men have failed to him, he returns to send them to finish his assignment. After an intense shooting in `Tormenta', in which Holy it returns to save the life from its employer, this one decides to relax in a near river. While it enjoys the first moment of peace from his arrival, somebody is plunged next to her. Arrogant and arrogant, the overseer approaches Maria Teresa he kisses and it enthusiastically. Incapable to resist, she corresponds to him, but immediately she separates and, after saying to him that never had to happen, she moves away of the place. Changing of strategy, Simón visits its neighbor and it proposes to him to buy the property to him. When it listens to Holy it, one faces him and both get involved in one violent fight. Furious, the daughter of Ernesto dismisses her employee. Shortly after,the boy is accused to try to kill jailed Guerrero and. Incapable to take the reins from the property, Maria Teresa decides to return to the city, but suddenly something makes change him of idea. Valentina Ayala, a young person enamored with Torrealba Saints, puts to him to the current of the unjust haltin boy and both go to the police station without wasting time.
Chapter 2 (Of 30 January to 5 the February of 2006)
Saints commit themselves with Valentina What has happened?
• Maria Teresa moves to Brave Port to save of the ruin the property of her father.
• Simón, neighbor of the Montilla, tries to scare to just the arrival so that it sells the property to him.
• Torrealba saints, overseer of `Tormenta', is jailed, under the accusation to try to kill Guerrero. What is going to happen?
• Simón kills to one of its men to speak of more.
• The Tacacoa sorceress meets with Edelmira Guerrero.
• Ernesto decides to modify its testament. Nothing else to arrive at the jail of Brave Port, Maria Teresa asks to see Saints and, scared, she verifies that the boy is unconscious because of the brutal beating offered by the guards. Outside himself, the young person demands to Cipriano, principle authority of the town, that calls to a doctor. Ignoring the request, the man responds to him that he does not have right to demand nothing. “Still memory the day in which Lucia, your mother, died burned by adulteress and sorceress”,
says to him to hurt it. Hit, Maria Teresa tries to show a firmness that is very far from feeling, and threatens filling the town of journalists. The warning provides the wished effect and finally Cipriano accedes to leave free Torrealba, with the condition of which it commits itself to that the overseer does not flee. In the property of the Guerrero, Edelmira examines documents of `the Tormenta' that his has obtained hijastro and, surprised, Lee that a part of the properties of Montilla belongs to Saints and another one to Bernarda. So that this last one accedes to sell what it corresponds to him, Simón decides to make believe the woman who is going to recognize Valentina like her daughter. Other people's to which it happens between the landowners, the neighbors comment with fear `resurección' of Demetrio, monaguillo of the church, when he was going to be buried. All, especially the chismosas women of the town, seem convinced that the man is damn, although the doctor explains to them that only she has been victim of a catalepsy attack, upheaval that brings about a state similar to the death. Finally, prostitutas that works in the brothel of the locality are felt sorry of Cipriano and gives asylum him. Excited since his father said to him that he was going to visit it, Maria Teresa goes to the zone where a small small plane has landed. But the joy when seeing before her Natividad, the woman has taken care of who it from girl, soon opens the way to the annoyance when it observes that its premium accompanies it to Isabela. A very painful discovery Far from to be uncomfortable, the hypocritical niece of Ernesto justifies her presence, assuring to her premium that is there for improving its relation. Maria Teresa, serious and with coldness, leaves very clearly just the arrival that in the property is no site for her and who the best thing is than it returns to the city. Little the surprise imagines the Montilla young person that waits for to him when it returns to `the Tormenta' and it enters the room of Saints to be interested in his state. The woman, dumb of astonishment, is present at how Bernarda Ayala remembers the overseer who he has been the first man in the life of his daughter and he demands to him that he marries with her. Feeling responsible for the girl, Torrealba accedes and Valentina, happy, asks Maria Teresa to him who is their godmother. Paralelamente, Jesus, the son of Cipriano, enjoy a romantic appointment Trinidad and, after kissing it with passion, it asks to him that she is his formal fianc2ee. To the knowledge that Maria Teresa is not going to sell her properties, Simón orders its man to him of confidence, Abel Caín, that it assassinates to Torrealba to clear the way to him towards his objectives. Before fulfilling its mission, the delinquent visit to its godmother, the Tacacoa sorceress, and this one, with one of its spells, turns to him into a prey dog. Once it has managed to enter the room where to duer to me Holy, Abel reclaims its human form and it goes towards him with a machete. But it will have to return to transform themselves into an animal and to flee, when the wide-awake overseer and begins to shoot. Malherido, the assassin promises to take revenge itself. On the following day, while Valentina refuses to accept to Simón like its father, Torrealba shows its employer how the tasks of the property are realised. The hours happen quickly for both, that enjoy their mutual company. Without being able to forget the words Cipriano, Maria Teresa requests to him to Natividad that tells something him of its mother and she says to him that Lucia was loving of the husband of Edelmira and that when this one found out, she accused of adultery and witchcraft. Demetrio, that already has managed to escape of the town, takes refuge in a cave and, very scared, it notices that a greater, very pale woman and with angelical aspect, observes to him carefully.
Chapter 3 (Of 6 February to 12 the February of 2006)
Maria Teresa announces her wedding What has happened?
• Edelmira discovers that it leaves from territories of Montilla are of Saints and Bernarda. • Prostitutas of the town gives asylum to Cipriano.
• Bernarda demands Saints that marries with Valentina and he, cornered, accepts.
• Jesus, the son of Cipriano, kisses to Trinidad and he asks to him that she is his formal fianc2ee.
What is going to happen?
•Enrique prohibits to Simón to tell that they are partners.
• Tatacoa guesses to Isabela Montilla the future.
• Cipriano refuses to end the life of Ernesto.
Connoisseur of the feelings of Santos and Maria Teresa, Simón notices Valentina to him that to his he deceives it fianc2e, but the daughter of Bernarda resists to believe to him: “He is a great man and she is my better friend”, affirms. Far from and with the excuse absorbing the poison of a scorpion there that has itched to its employer, the overseer lets itself take and ends up kissing it by all the body. She, pleased, enjoys so intense moments during minutes, but she does not take in regreting. “Valentina does not deserve this”, assures before leaving precipitadamente in the direction of the property. Once there, it is locked in his room and it cries very heartbrokenly, invaded by a deep feeling of fault. A new priest arrives at Brave Port Disappointed by the hard words of Simón, Valentina says to him to his mother who does not feel anything proud of being the daughter of the landowner. For surprise of the girl, Bernarda gives the reason hijastro of Edelmira. “Also I believe that Holy he is mujeriego”, it affirms. Cipriano, pressed by the chismosas women of Brave Port, imposes a numerous fine to prostitutas, after accusing them to scandalize the neighbors. On the following day, Torrealba organizes a trip to go to buy cattle to a near town and proposes to Maria Teresa and her fianc2ee who accompany to him in the passage. Both accept, but in the last moment Bernarda Ayala prohibits its daughter him to add itself to the trip. While, Simón Guerrero, with the complicity of Cipriano, ends the life of Anselmo, shooting to him. Benito father is heartbroken, when he receives a letter of the bishopric, in whom communicate to him that in few days a new priest will arrive at the town to replace to him.
Santos and Maria Teresa are themselves forced to outdoors spend the first night of their trip when not finding no hotel with free rooms. In front of an pleasant bonfire the pair begins to give in to the caresses, but the Tacacoa sorceress ends the scene pronouncing a spell that makes change of attitude to the Montilla young person. “This cannot continue
thus”, exclaims the woman. Immediately afterwards, one separates from his companion and, after saddling his horse, march to `Tormenta'. Shortly after which his lawyer, Roman,modifies the testament of Ernesto Montilla, this one is it dead. Next to the corpse, Enrique laments itself by the death of the lawyer. Saints manage to reach to Mª Teresa and he reiterates his love to him, in spite of the rejection that she shows to him. “You deny Although it, I know that you feel something by me”, he asserts the overseer before going away. When the girl arrives at the property she cannot avoid to be touched when receiving to his father. Nevertheless, the smile flock of its face when seeing that it accompanies it to Isabela. Paralelamente, Torrealba visits Valentina to sincerar itself with her. “I cannot marry with you because in my life there is another woman”, it confesses to him. Although the young person does not understand the sudden change of his fianc2e, accepts resigned his decision: “I wish all the luck You of the world”. What the overseer does not suspect is that, at that same moment, Maria Teresa is proposing marriage to another person. And it is that the woman, thinking that loved his still follows jeopardizes, has seted out to forget to him as is. The lucky person is a good friend of the girl, Enrique. This one, although remains paralyzed before the sudden request, accepts without thinking it twice surely of which it is doing a favor to him. Shortly after both announce their connection in front of their relatives and friendly. Valentina discovers that she is pregnant Damián father arrives at the town and all the neighbors, except prostitutas of the brothel, receive to him with the open arms. While Trinidad and Jesus are giving loose rein to their passion, Valentina lies down to cry when seeing its godfather. This one, without intuiting the cause of the frustration of the girl, unites its hand to the one of Saints and it wishes luck them in his future marriage. Days later, the greater daughter of Bernarda goes to the doctor and, for its surprise, this one says to him that it is waiting for a baby. In the meantime, Torrealba encuenta with Mª Teresa in the stable and, being attracted it towards him, says him that the mistress.
Chapter 4 (Of 13 February to 19 the February of 2006)
Bernarda makes the love with Simón What has happened?
• Guerrero ends the life of Anselmo.
• Ernesto Montilla suddenly arrives at `Tormenta'.
• In order to forget Saints, Maria Teresa proposes to her friend Enrique who
marries with her and the boy accepts.
• Valentina discovers that it is waiting for a son. What is going to happen?
• Cipriano accuses Bernarda to try to kill its son, Jesus, it stops and it
. • Enrique confesses to Maria Teresa who the mistress.
• Demetrio visits Tatacoa. Simón and Enrique are by chance and begin to chat like old well-known. After explaining to hijastro of Edelmira that shortly will marry with Maria Teresa, just arrived it requests to him that it does not say to him to that was partners years ago.
Then, it tells him that it glides to kill Ernesto Montilla to become the authentic owner and gentleman of the property `Tormenta'. Saints the Rojo' Small pump gets involved in a fight in `and Damián father, who is present, takes part in his favor. This causes that it enters both is born a great affection. Isabel is arranged to seduce Saints Simón promises to Enrique to help him to kill Montilla if Holy appears like person in charge. Congratulating to him by his shining idea, the young person accepts without doubting it. Although the news of the pregnancy of Valentina impresses much to Maria Teresa, this one decides to take it to the city so that it is taken care of by the best doctors the knowledge that the girl could lose her baby. Saints, that already has found out that soon it is going to be father, surprises the two women when they are on the verge of taking off in the deprived airplane of the Montilla and decides to accompany them. Little the overseer can imagine who Enrique will take advantage of his absence to put to Ernesto in his against. After verifying that her victim is notclose for defending itself, the astute individual assures its future father-in-law who Torrealba tried to seduce its daughter and who by that reason has gone away with her to the city. Simón does not suspect either that Cipriano is arranged to betray to him with the aid of the Tatacoa left-hand side. A day, in one of his encounter, the man asks the sorceress for the strange relation between Guerrero and his madrastra, and she tells him that Edelmira killed its husband, the father of Simón, when she discovered his past like prostituta. “Soon she lived with Hilario Guanipa, but let it to escape itself with the woman of Ernesto Montilla and she, crazy of jealousy, ordered to kill loving both”, continues. While Valentina remains in observation in a hospital of the city, Bernarda discovers to its smaller daughter with a young person and, when seeing that it is the son of Cipriano, it leaves after him with a gun. Trini tries to explain its mother who Jesus is a good boy, but the woman has not been able to forget that, years back, she violated it to Camacho and prohibits the girl to have contact with her family. Isabela wants that Holy it falls in his networks to the price that is and goes in search of Tatacoa so that it separates to the overseer of his premium with some of his spells. Kind Edelmira against Valentina After spending several days in the city, Valentina, Maria Teresa and Santos they return to `Tormenta'. But the reception is not very warm, mainly for Torrealba. Furious, Ernesto accuses to him to have abused its confidence trying to seduce its daughter and, after humiliating to him, it orders to him that it goes away. Bernarda is surprised much when seeing Simón in its earth, but before he asks the reason to him for his visit, the man goes ahead and he gives the document to him in which he recognizes like his daughter Valentina. The gratefulness of the landowner soon opens the way to the passion and the pair ends up making the love, without noticing that Edelmira spies to them. In order to take revenge itself, the landed profligate goes to house of the Ayala with a serpent. The animal immediately bites to Valentina and the poison does not take in making effect, for desperation of Trini, that does not know how to help its sister.
Chapter 5 (Of 20 February to 26 the February of 2006)
Isabela accuses Saints to violate it What has happened?
• Simón offers its aid to him to Enrique to kill Ernesto.
• Cipriano discovers that Edelmira worked like prostituta.
• Montilla accuses Saints to seduce its daughter and it dismisses to him.
• While Bernarda makes the love with Simón, madrastra of this one letter against the Valentina life.
What is going to happen?
• Coquetea azalea blatantly with Simón.
• Jesus takes Trinidad, and Bernarda leaves in his looks for, arranged to kill it.
• Dalila looks for its daughter. Enrique apologizes to Maria counted Teresa to have to him to Ernesto that is enamored with Saints and it confesses to him that it let itself take by the jealousy, because has always wanted it. Making contingency not covered by law to this declaration, the girl goes in search of her father and, when seeing that she is on the verge of striking to Torrealba, she interposes between both: “If you think to beat to him, you will have to do the same with me, because I allowed him that she seduced to me”. Not very far from there, Trini tries to make react to Valentina and, when seeing Jesus, it requests to him that it goes in search of aid. While the boy goes to the town, it appears Demetrio and, with the power that the woman of the cave has granted to him, he puts its hands on the mordedura of the serpent. Jesus Gerrero removes to Bernarda from the jail The wife of Cipriano Guerrero appears in the church with a friend to recriminate Damián father who lets enter “those women crummy the very same house of God”. Planting expensive, the priest to them she prohibits them that they return to misa until they do not have themselves sorry of his reprovable behavior. Next, the Rojo' Small pump goes to `and it asks to him to Dalila, the person in charge of the brothel, that does not return to send to its girls to try to seduce to him. Alesio interrupts a romantic moment between Santos and Mª Teresa tosay to them that there am it has happened to Valentina and both run to house of the Ayala. When they arrive, the doctor, very been strange, is verifying who the wound already has healed and that does not have the most mini poison sign. After taking to the sister from Trini to house, Jesus returns to Brave Port, but this time to go to the jail where Bernarda remains locked up. For surprise of the woman, Guerrero disarms the guards who are watching it she lets and it leave. One does violence to night of weddings Although she knows that Holy she must to Valentina, Maria Teresa Montilla feels incapable to be far from him and proposes to her father a treatment: she will marry with Enrique, but in return she wants the total control of the property, which includes the selection of the personnel. Conscious that if does not accept it will not return to see his daughter, the man ends up accepting. That same night, the girl goes to the cabin of loved his, without suspecting that she is not only. The Isabela profligate has gone ahead to him and, resorting to his arms of woman, she is trying to seduce the attractive overseer. When seeing her prime one half Maria Teresa,destroyed undresses, march of there, without listening to the shouts of Saints, who the flame hopelessly. After offering a brutal beating to its son to have let escape to Bernarda, Cipriano appears in house of this one and tries to violate it. Defending with nails and teeth, the woman makes flee to the mayor. Teresa arrives the day of the wedding of Maria and, with the flooded eyes of tears, the young person goes to the altar where the delay Enrique. The sudden appearance of Torrealba Saints is on the verge of ruining the ceremony, but finally the overseer march and the contracting parties have declared husband and woman.
While Edelmira receives the visit of an old friend, Thorny Azalea, Simón goes to house of he Ayala, where it waits for a surprise to him and not indeed pleasant. The man as soon as he can disguise his wrath when Bernarda communicates its decision to him to yield its earth to Trini, because Valentina will have everything what needs when marries with Torrealba Saints. In his night of weddings, Enrique lets itself drag by the desire that consumes to him and tries to violate to one terrified Maria Teresa. Very different they will be the things for Isabela that, being useful that Holy is drunk, is able to seduce to him and to make the love with him. Far from to be satisfied in this way, immediately afterwards it returns to the property and, pretending to be desolate, it tells Nanny that has violated it to the overseer. On the following day, Valentina mentions with Maria Teresa to say to him that it already knows that she is the woman with whom his fianc2e is enamored.
Chapter 6 (Of 27 February to 5 the March of 2006)
Valentina gives " him; yes quiero" to Saints What has happened?
• Demetrio uses the power that granted the woman to him of the cave to cure to Valentina.
• During his night of weddings, Enrique tries to abuse Maria Teresa Montilla.
• Isabela makes the love with Saints when he is drunk and soon it says to
him to Nanny that has violated it to the overseer. What is going to happen?
• Damián reveals Benito father to him who has a twin brother.
• Enrique tries to malmeter to Mª Teresa against Saints.
• Abel Caín shoots to Ernesto. Maria Teresa ends up confessing to Valentina that is enamored with Saints, but that resigned to him by respect to the friendship that both are professed. Outside himself, the young person responds to shouts that she never could be friend of the woman who has robbed him the heart of Torrealba. Then, Bernarda, that
is not arranged to that her smaller daughter continues seeing Jesus Camacho, notices to him it will lock up that it, if it does not obey. But, in a negligence of the woman, the boy manages to approach Trini and, fearing to lose it, he requests him that he escapes with him.After seconds of indecision, it accedes and both go away of her without matriarca of the Ayala can make nothing prevent it. Edelmira is noticed that Azalea has robbed him several jewels and tries to throw it of its house, but changes of idea when presumed ladrona plants face to him and it remembers to him that it much more cleared money to him during the time in which both were dedicated to the business of prostitution. In addition, certainly it does not interest to you that nobody knows that you dedicated yourself to marry with old rich soon killing them…, adds. While Dalila asks to him a private detective who finds his daughter, one of prostitutas that works for her, Virginia, is going to confess itself. Grieved, the young person says to him to Damián father who what he wishes more in the world is to find his mother to know he left why it when being born. Shortly after, Magdalena Camacho, unique defender of the love between its brother and Ayala Trinidad, interrupts the parish priest to ask to him it marries that them. It accedes, but when it is going to declare husband and woman to them, Bernarda arrives and it takes to the fianc2ee. After leaving to his daughter in house, the landowner it goes to the town to speak with Cipriano, but this one responds to him that it does not have any disadvantage in which the wedding is celebrated. Bernarda, then, makes a confession that will leave to the mayor without words:
“That relation cannot follow, because Trini and Jesus are brother. My daughter was conceived afternoon in which you violated to me”. In `the Small pump Rojo', heartbroken Virginia tells Dalila that is pregnant of Simón Guerrero. Affected, the proprietor of the brothel promises to the young person who will not exert more like prostituta and than she will employ other to him by which a pay will pay to him, so that it can raise to his son. Enrique tends a trap to him to his rival Saints understand that he has a great responsibility towards Valentina and appears in its house to ask to him that same afternoon marries with him. The girl, although is conscious that she is not enamored with her, accepts. Surely of which if it recognizes Trini as her daughter can remain with her earth, Cipriano plainly orders its men that they look for Jesus and it tells the truth him. Enrique enters the quarter of Torrealba and, pretending a repentance that does not feel, he apologizes by his behavior and he tells him that it was Ernesto that forced to him to marry with Maria Teresa. Without giving credit to which he is listening, Saints assure that he will speak with his godfather, but the fianc2e of Mª Teresa asks to him he does that it after the wedding. Immediately afterwards,Enrique goes to the encounter of his father-in-law and he communicates the place to him of the appointment. Finally the moment arrives from the connection of Santos and Valentina that, flood of happiness, enters the church of the arm of Ernesto. Hardly minutes after giving to beginning the ceremony, Jesus interrupts the priest to shout in front of all whom he loves Trini and that its life without her does not have sense. Once Bernarda has managed to throw to the boy, Damián father continues with the misa and, before the frustration of Maria Teresa, he unites to the pair in marriage.
Chapter 7 (Of 6 March to 12 the March of 2006)
Kidnapped and sold!
What has happened?
• Chantajea azalea to Edelmira with revealing its past in the world of prostitution.
• Bernarda says to him to Cipriano that Trinidad is its daughter and, therefore, sister of Jesus.
• Virginia confesses to him to Dalila that waits for a son of Simón.
• Santos and Valentina marry with whom another surprise. What is going to happen? • Simón tries to take control of the testament of Ernesto. • Saints do not understand how Maria Teresa doubts him. • Isabela begins to suspect Enrique and Simón. After being expelled from the church by Bernarda, Jesus, completely deranged, takes refuge in the stable and tries to hang itself. The providential arrival of Magdalena, that had left in his looks for, prevents the fatal outcome. Between tears, the young person tells him that Trini, the woman whom loves, is her stepsister and that if she cannot be with her, only it has left to die. After convincing to him that it does not commit another madness, Magdalena leaves furious to the encounter of Bernarda to recriminate its attitude to him and culpabilizar it of the lamentable state in which it is sunk Jesus. The accusation could not have been more accurate, since the mother of the Ayala will confess in her prayers and orations that lay on the paternity of Trinidad. The girl, who also left fleeing from the Church after the scandal organized by Jesus, has undergone a fall. The bad luck causes that Edelmira gives with her gathers and it, while Bernarda, Maria Teresa and look for it to Enrique. Shortly after, the mother of Trini
insists mysteriously on interrupting the search and leaves her daughter by chance.
She ignores that to the Edelmira evildoer has sold dealers of women. While, the wedding of Valentina and Santos continue with an animated banquet. Before continuous the harassment of Simón, the fianc2ee is itself forced to confess her husband to him who Camacho is its true father. Suddenly, a girl arrives running to warn that she has seen Trinidad in a boat and that its captain stabbed a man who tried to abuse her. Without losing time, Saints, Mª Teresa, Valentina and Enrique they leave in his looks for. Simón, however, goes privily to the port to deal with the captain about the boat the purchase the girl. The man, who says to be called Cosme, turns out to be the twin brother of Damián Father. The negotiation does not give the wished results, but in the course of the same, Guerrero finds out that it has been Edelmira that has sold to Trini the dealers. Furious, Simón is faced with her and it says tohim that it is going to look for the ruin to him. Bernarda admits that it has lain When finding out than it has happened to him to his daughter, Bernarda goes to see Damián Father to confess to him that Jesus and Trini are not stepbrothers and who everything was an invention hers to separate them. While this conversation takes place, the boat in which goes the poor girl sails without nobody can give reach him. The Ayala young person, asustadísima, receive the support of a companion, who promises to him that soon they will escape. On the other hand, Enrique and Simón cause a discussion between Ernesto and Santos. Nevertheless, these do not take in discovering so dirty ruse. When Montilla goes to ask an explanation to him its son-in-law, it runs into with Abel Caín, that nondoubt in nailing the machete to him of Torrealba by order of Guerrero. In the boat, Cosme makes call to Trinidad. “You are most beautiful than I have seen in my life”, says to him while it tries to take it. When avoiding to him, the girl brings about a fire and is useful to flee. Maria Teresa, when malherido discovering to her father, blames Saints of the murder and she demands to him to Cipriano that orders its arrest.
Chapter 8 (Of 13 March to 19 the March of 2006) Saints escape with the aid of Isabela What has happened?
• Jesus tries to commit suicide, but he prevents it to Magdalena.
• Edelmira kidnaps to Trinidad and it sells dealers of women.
• Valentina confesses its husband who Simón is its father.
• Abel Caín stabs to Ernesto with the machete of Saints to incriminate
to this one.
What is going to happen?
• Jesus says to him to Cipriano that is going away to move away of him.
• Miguelón decides to return to Brave Port.
• Tatacoa communicates to him to Edelmira that is going to be grandmother. Ernesto has survived the attack of Abel, although it has a perforated lung and its S-state critical; he is conscious, but it cannot articulate word in spite of the pleas of his daughter so that it gives the name him of his aggressor. Maria Teresa does not know if the attacker were Holy. Isabela, however, does not have doubts: it creates on feet juntillas in the innocence of the overseer. In addition, it is not arranged to that a possible sentence ruins its objective to conquer to him. The intuition of the girl also says to him that Enrique has something to see in the subject and he is faced with him so that clarifies its degree to him of implication in the assault to its uncle. Cornered, the husband of Maria Teresa does not have more remedy than to include to Isabela in the plan that, next to Simón and Cipriano, has plotted to take control of the property. Ernesto, finally manages to pronounce a name: Saints. On the feet of her bed her daughter interprets, incredulous, who his father is trying to incriminate to the overseer.
On the other hand, Damián father decides not to mention to the Montilla young person the frustrated robbery to him of the testament of his father to avoid more preoccupations to him. To only he comments him that he does not remember put where it when his father occurred it. The distrust towards its colleagues of misdeeds assaults to Cipriano and the man goes to speak with Tatacoa. In order to tranquilize to him, the witch assures as much to him that Holy as Enrique will die. Looking for Trini, Jesus discovers to Bernarda fighting to leave the marsh in which he has fallen and the safe one to die drowned. In spite of being thankful for to the boy its aid, the resentment of the woman towards its father is so strong that it insists on prohibiting him that approaches its daughter. Without no success, Enrique tries to end to his father-in-law in the hospital. Opposed by the inopportune appearance of Genoveva in the quarter of Montilla, the husband of Maria Teresa goes in search of Simón to beam a plan that helps them to undo of its new partner. Nevertheless, the cleverness of Isabela makes go ahead him and, using his dowries of seduction, it convinces to a embelesado Guerrero so that it eliminates the husband of his premium. Maria Teresa asks the divorce to him his husband With the help of his faithful horse, It dominated, Torrealba manages to escape of the jail and goes in search of Enrique. It locates when it and before Montalvo eacts, encañona with a pistol and demands to him that it confesses its crime. Open pie the flight, Cipriano and the guards, accompanied by Mª Teresa and Valentina, leave in his looks for they arrest and it before it achieves its objective. Trinidad and its companion, Tibisay, finally have been located by `Manco', leads that them of return to the boat. In the passage it finds Bernarda that, before the impossibility to save to the young scared ones, decides to accompany them in its captivity. Isabela helps Saints to escape themselves again and it, once frees, is going to visit his wife. Valentina, worried, tells him that Enrique, Simón and Cipriano glide to kill them to him and to its rescuer. After finding out that Ernesto has entered comma, Mª Teresa asks the divorce to him Enrique.
Chapter 9 (Of 20 March to 26 the March of 2006)
Valentina loses its baby What hashappened?
• Ernesto, very serious, struggles between the life and the death.
• Bernarda, before the impossibility to release to Trini, decides to accompany it in its captivity.
•Saints escape of the jail with the help of Isabella.
• Maria Teresa asks the divorce to him her husband, Enrique.
• Edelmira kills Azalea and pretends that it was an accident.
What is going to happen?
• Simón blames to Ernesto of the death of Maria Lucia.
• Mª Teresa is decided to read the testament of its father.
• Ayala Trinidad receives a letter of Jesus.
Incapable to shoot against Saints, Maria Teresa lets itself snatch the weapon by the overseer, who, to gun end, forces to the intrepid Montilla and his men to return walking to the property. “Alive or dead, am going I it to catch”, swears the young person, when moving away. Meanwhile, his husband confesses to Nani his intention to him to go away of the property after the divorce. Then, Isabella arrives announcing that it also goes away. On the other hand, Damián father decides to give back to the daughter of Montilla the testament of his father. After being rescued by Jesus, Trinidad and Tibisay recover in house of Bernarda, that is firmly determined not to lose the view young people. While they flee from justice, Valentina begins to feel bad and Holy it decides to pause to rest. While he remembers to Maria Teresa, a red spot clouds the waters in which her wife is bathing. Between shouts and tears, both realize of which Valentina is lost its baby. In spite of the resistance of the young person, Torrealba goes to request aid. Then, the men of Cipriano locate to him and they shoot to him. Its body, inert, falls to the river and the overseer is given by dead. Mª Teresa asks for its mother, Maria Lucia After facing Simón, that requests an explanation to him to have killed Azalea, Edelmira it receives authentic mazazo when Tatacoa announces to him that Virginia, one of prostitutas of the town, is pregnant of its son. The news of the death of Saints runs as the powder and does not leave indifferent anybody. While Simón and Cipriano are congratulated by the disappearance of the overseer, Mª Teresa cries heartbroken. But that is not the unique joy that receives the mayor; Miguelón, its first-born, get ready to return to Brave Port. When finding out, Solita how it will be the encounter with his old love. For preoccupation of Edelmira and Simón, Mª Teresa begins to make questions on the death of its mother. Also it teases to Cipriano so that it communicates the exact place to him where it passed away Holy and to be able to gather its corpse. But somebody has gone ahead to him. Demetrio has reclaimed the body and, after stating that the overseer still breathes, it has taken the mysterious woman of the cave. The young person is sure that will cure she it, like did with him. While, wide-awake Valentina in a hospital. It ignores that also to they give it to her by dead.
Chapter 10 (Of 27 March to 2 April of 2006)
Ernesto dies poisoned by Isabella What has happened?
• Damián father gives back to the daughter of Ernesto the testament of his father. • Valentina undergoes a hemorrhage and loses its baby.
.• The man of Cipriano shoots against Saints, who fall to the river and are given by dead. • Simón leaves pregnant woman toVirginia, one prostituta.
• Maria Teresa begins to make questions on the death of her mother, Maria Lucia.
What is going to happen?
• Gisela discovers the letters that Jesus sends to him to Trini.
• Michelle begs to Alirio that employs to him.
• Holy visit to its Argemiro uncle, who is in prison.
Cipriano, happy by the imminent arrival of its preferred son, Miguelón, contemplates indifferent to the game of Magdalena and Jesus. These, abiertamente faced their father by their lack of affection, have chosen to move to the house of Gisela. Isabella discovers, with great surprise and rejoicing, that Valentina is admitted the same hospital that Enrique. Immediately is notified it to Edelmira, that advises to him to keep its finding privily. Meanwhile, Mª Teresa has decided to read the testament of its father. While his lawyer realises all the preparations, the young person maintains to char it with Simón to find out something more on his mother. Between false samples of affection, the son of Edelmira suggests sibylline went Ernesto that commanded to assassinate to Maria
Lucia and Hilario Guanipa, to the knowledge that was loving. Of return to `Tormenta', the Montilla young person surprises the workers celebrating a tribute to Saints and, furious by the hero treatment whom they are giving to the man who tried to kill his father, orders to them to return to the work. The rejection of Bernarda to the relation of Trini with the sonof the mayor does not make an impression on the girl, who continues remembering loved his. Good day, Juan Andres takes a letter to him of love of Jesus and the minor of the Ayala, ignoring that also the doctor has fallen in love with her, requests to him that is read it. To the aim the small plane lands in the small aerodrome of Brave Port in which Miguelón must arrive, but Cipriano verifies disappointed that its first-born does not travel in her. In its place, low of the apparatus its Michelle fianc2ee, who communicates to the Guerrero that his son is in the war of Iraq. Far from there, the woman of the cave, that appears before Saints like Sybil, does two surprising confessions to him. First she reveals to him that his father is the first husband of Edelmira, and that to its hid it mother so that the perfidious landowner did not end it her life. Then, she announces to him that she will have to reclaim the properties of his father, that is to say, the property of madrastra of Simón and the one of Ernesto. Before the overwhelmed gesture of Torrealba, her interlocutor explains to him that Maria Lucia sold `to him the Tormenta' to Hilario. Sybil only puts a condition to the boy: she will have to respect the life of Maria Teresa. Valentina is entered in a psychiatric one Edelmira has poisoned the head of cattle of the Montilla and Mª Teresa discovers, desolate, that all have died. Simón offers aid to him, but Nani advises to him it rejects that it. In the hospital where it remains Valentina, Isabella is useful that the young person does not remember anything to make happen it through one begs unbalanced Natasha call. The version of the premium of Maria Teresa is confirmed with the incoherent shouts of the girl, who finishes in a psychiatric one. When it is on the verge of beginning the reading of the testament of Ernesto, Genoveva and Nani arrive announcing that the old one has awaked. Crazy person of joy, Maria Teresa runs next to her father. Nevertheless, the happiness leaves to passage to the desperation and the remorse when his ancestor confirms to him that Torrealba never attacked to him. To the knowledge that Montilla is recovering, Edelmira gives to Isabella a bottle him with poison and this one promises that before finishes the day his uncle will have died. Hours later, Nani discovers the body without life of its landlord. Cipriano emborracha when receiving a letter communicating to him that Miguelón has died. Little the mayor can imagine who his brave son is not other who Michelle.
Chapter 11 (Of 3 April to 9 April of 2006) Jesus lies down with Gisela
What has happened?
Simón tells to Mª Teresa him who his father killed his mother when he knew that he was to him unfaithful. • Trini receives a letter of Jesus. • Sybil keeps awake to him to Saints who are son of Hilario Guanipa. • Valentina awakes in the hospital; nothing remembers, they take all it by crazy person and is admitted a psychiatric clinic. • Ernesto dies poisoned by order of Edelmira. What is going to happen? • Michelle says to him to Jenny that it loves Alirio.
• Bernarda offers its aid to him to Maria Teresa. • Cosme appears in house of disguised Trini of cures. Isabella receives the news of the death of its uncle with astonishment and happiness, although it pretends before Nani a tremendous pain. Ignorant of the tragedy, Maria Teresa is in the prepared church to confess Damián father to him who has killed Saints. The words pronounced by Ernesto before dying worry to Edelmira. This one puts in guard to its son against Abel Caín, because it fears that the crew member counts all the truth, and demands to him that it mate. Nevertheless, Simón is not arranged to do nothing than his mother it asks to him. While, Tatacoa warns the giant of the danger that runs. Felipe is very worried about the health of Natasha. In addition, the history of Isabella is not created and it sets out to remove to the patient from there. While, in the church, Damián is incapable to mitigate the terrible pain that ties down the heart of Maria Teresa. The daughter of Ernesto is not forgiven the hardness with which she condemned Saints, the unique man whom has loved. Its pain contrasts with the immense happiness of Isabella and Edelmira, that are congratulated of the death of Montilla and begin to dream about their inheritance. Only the fear to that they do the autopsy to the deceased and the sudden appearance to him of Enrique clouds its joy. The husband of Mª Teresa finishes returning to `the Tormenta' and he notices to them that they do not have to return to betray to him. Worried, Edelmira throws to him in face to its friend to him not to have assassinated in the hospital. Ricardo finds out the death of Ernesto way of the town. Compungido, goes in search of its goddaughter and it communicates the tragic news to him. Saints glide to remove to Argemiro from the jail When entering house of Juan Andres in search of medicines, Gisela discovers letters of Jesus to Trini. Without knowledge that has been written by the own doctor, it looks for his guest to request an explanation to him. Again Michelle and Alirio encounter in the street; between coqueteos, just the arrival begs to him that it looks for work to him. Right away, the brother of Gisella is going to speak with Dalila so that he contracts the young person in `the Rojo' Small pump and she accedes to that she acts in his premises. While, Saints visit the prison where he fulfills Argemiro sentence. His uncle tells him that Edelmira is the cause of its confinement and Torrealba promises to release it. For it he is put under a change of total image. After spending the night together, Gisela is very affectionate with Jesus, but this one, sorry than has done, clarifies to him that its unique love continues being Trinidad. The one that grows day to day is the affection of Remedies towards Michelle. This one changes of `look' to the woman of the mayor and Rojo'. takes `the Small pump to it finds its husband, totally drunk, and tries There to take it to house, without success. In a new play, the ambitious Isabella convinces Enrique that their true enemies are Edelmira and Simón Guerrero. The intrigues that there are to his around to not are him other people's to Mª Teresa, who begins to fear for his own life. The testament of Ernesto is read and Isabella is surprised when seeing that it has not inherited anything of his uncle.
Chapter 12 (Of 10 April to 17 April of 2006)
Cosme rapta to Trinidad What has happened?
• Edelmira orders to Simón that mate to Abel Caín
• Felipe decides to remove to Natasha from the psychiatric one.
• Enrique returns to `the Tormenta' and threatens his partners so that they do not betray to him.
• Jesus rejects to Gisela after lying down with her.
• Isabella discovers, with displeasure, that it does not comprise of the heirs of his uncle. What is going to happen?
• Maria Teresa refuses to take her medication.
• Chepa and Cipriano are allied against Remedies.
• Enrique proposes to him to Ricardo to sell the property. Ricardo, worried about the strange behavior of its goddaughter, Maria Teresa, decides to remain to help it. While, dressed in a cassock that his twin brother has robbed to him, captain Cosme appears in house of the Ayala becoming to happen through Damián father.
After deceiving Bernarda, the woman requests to him that she tries to animate to a heartbroken Trini. Rejoicing of its good luck, Cosme asks to him that it allows to speak them solo.
Before the new allegations that the lawyer of Saints presents/displays, the judge reviews the case of Argemiro. When stating that tests of their culpability do not exist, innocent to Torrealba declares and she leaves him frees. In the meantime, Edelmira convinces to Guerrero that they must agree with Isabella so that it is in charge to eliminate Enrique. But the niece of Ernesto is not easy to manipulate. During his char it with Simón one makes fun of of the relation that maintains with his madrastra, accusing to them to seem loving. Outside himself, the young person tries to drown it with his own Cipriano hands, shamed of the behavior of his wife, decides to close `the Small pump Rojo'. He does not know that Remedies are arranged to hold neither an order hers the more and it threatens to him bringing about a revolt with the premises girls. Also he announces to him that he is going to become partner of Dalila and to appear to the elections for mayoress. Camacho cannot think that the fianc2ee of her Miguelón friend has generated that change in her wife. Edelmira threat of death to Isabella Although Enrique is not physically to the one hundred percent, his meanness yes seems to have fortified. The husband of Maria Teresa contract to a laborer so that, being made happen through the ghost of Saints, he appears and he disappears before the Montilla young person. Thus, everybody will think that the lack of affection and have made it to the remorses lose the reason totally. In the meantime, Juan Andres is going to visit Trinidad. It is then when Bernarda notices that the girl is not in house. Alarmed, they go in search of Damián father, who confirms to them that to its he has raptado it brother.
While they go in his looks for, Cosme raises his loved Trinidad in its boat and issues the
order to weigh anchor immediately. Just when Felipe is going to see Natasha, the sanatorium catches fire, which the young doctor is useful to remove there to the girl of and hide-and-seek it in its house. Isabella does not take in finding out the flight and it orders to him to the director of the psychiatric one to say that Valentina has passed away. At little, a body burnout arrives at Brave Port; the documents confirm that it is the Ayala young person. Juan Andres, Damián and Bernarda give with the boat of Cosme. Finally the priest faces his brother endiablado, although little he can to obtain of him. It is finally Bernarda the one that hurts the kidnapper and escapes with its daughter. On the other hand, Damián and Juan Andres take to Cosme to the hospital, but this one passes away by the way, not without first to ask pardon to God and its brother by all sins. When arriving at its house, Bernarda must move to the City council, where it refuses to accept that the body burnout is the one of Valentina. Driven crazy, it accuses Cipriano to have invented the death of his daughter to do damage to him, and it says to him that it hates to him although he is the father of Trini. Seized after a door, Remedies hear everything. When finding out that his wife is dead, Saints swear revenge. But its disagreement is total when Demetrio tells him that in the town they give by crazy person to Mª Teresa. In the burial of Valentina, Simón surprises all with an act of repentance by the damage that it caused while still alive to his daughter. But the surprise is greater when the presents listen to Maria Teresa affirm that, from far, Saints have seen how they buried his wife. In the property, Edelmira it notices Isabella that if returns to coquetear with Simón it will kill, it.
Chapter 13 (Of 17 April to 24 April of 2006)
The encounter of Maria Teresa and Santos What
has happened?
• Cosme, becoming to happen through Damián, rapta to Trinidad.
• Remedies announce their intention to be mayoress.
• Enrique contract to a laborer so that seen as Holy and he appears to him to Mª Teresa.
• The sanatorium where Valentina is locked up sets afire and Felipe the aid to escape.
• Torrealba, believing died to his wife, swears revenge.
What is going to happen? • Maria Teresa initiates the divorce proceedings. • Michelle says to him to Remedies that go away of the town.
• Enrique tries to exceed itself with Genoveva. The lawyer of the Montilla family clarifies to Maria Teresa to him who, had its mental imbalance, the control of the property will happen to its godfather, Ricardo. Without losing a minute, the young person is going to see the friend of his father to ask to him why she is saying that way that there is lost the reason. Later, at the same time as Holy it tells Argemiro that saw Maria Teresa in `Tormenta', she comments to him to an incredulous Nani that intuits that Torrealba is closely together and that soon it will return. Remedies have found documents that imply their husband in dirty businesses and chantajea noticing to him to him that it will denounce to him, if it does not leave the mayorship. Magdalena is determined to leave the town. In order to prevent it, Michelle reveals its true identity, but it does not obtain that it changes of opinion. Shortly after, the girl, after leaving a letter of goodbye to her mother, goes away. On the other hand, Argemiro and Santos arrive at the town. The first that does ex- presidiario is to visit `Guanipera'. announces There to Edelmira and Simón that will have to leave their earth shortly. Trinidad finds out that she is daughter of Cipriano Later, the uncle of Saints goes to the City council to order the mayor to him who evacuates to the evil woman and his son of the property, because his true heir, Santiago Guanipa, have returned he demands and it. Before the stupor of Cipriano, Argemiro shows the game to him of birth of Santiago, that is not other that Holy Torrealba. After the interview, the mayor is going to see Edelmira and Simón and between the three decides to restrain to Argemiro. In order to begin, Cipriano will have to gain the elections again. In the meantime, Isabella, disguised of nurse, is able to enter the apartment of Felipe and, to pistol end, it takes to Natasha. Then, it orders to him to the doctor of the psychiatric one hides who it. When Rosary tells to Felipe the happened thing him, he says tohim that he knows who is the patient: Valentina Ayala. Like every day, Maria Teresa is going to visit the tomb of Saints. It also has gone to cry by his wife, so they end up eeting again itself in the cemetery. The Montilla young person, incapable to articulate word, desmaya when listening the voice del that outside its lover. Remedies reveal to him to Trinidad that Cipriano is its father. Surprised, the young person is relieved with Juan Andres, who, as well, the account to Jesus. When the mayor finds out, he tries to assassinate his wife. The following passage of the uncle of Saints is to visit `Tormenta'. communicates an incredulous Enrique There to him that the property is property of the heir of Hilario Guanipa. Mª Teresa and Santos returns to be. She sends herself to her neck, crying, but she rejects it to Torrealba assuring to him that it is called Santiago and that he confuses to him with another man. Nevertheless, something is removed in its heart. Shortly after, Ricardo tells its goddaughter who Santiago Guanipa has returned to demand its property. When it responds to him that one is Holy Torrealba, its godfather ratifies the madness of the young person. Nani either does not create to Maria Teresa when it tells him that it has made the love with Saints. Cipriano proposes to Chepa an electoral alliance against Remedies.
The mother of Solita accepts and she informs to him into which her wife counts on the support of Santiago. Saints communicate to him to Edelmira and Simón Guerrero
that the territories of the port are property of Bernarda Ayala. This one, on the other hand, has begun to intimar with Argemiro, that lets him know that it belongs to the Guanipa
family. Solita says to him to Alirio that Michelle is in fact Miguelón.
Chapter 14
(Of 24 April to 30 April of 2006)
Enrique tries to abuse Genoveva What has happened?
• Michelle reveals to Magdalena its true identity.
• Saints return to the town like Santiago Guanipa, ready to expel to Edelmira and Simón of their earth.
• Isabella takes to Valentina of house of Felipe and returns to lock up it in the psychiatric one.
• Maria Teresa eets again with Torrealba and desmaya by the impression.
What is going to happen?
•The husband of Maria Teresa tries to kill Abel Caín.
• Remedies refuse to pardon to Cipriano.
• Alirio asks to him to Michelle that marries with him.
Arranged to protect Saints and to avoid they take that it by crazy person, Maria Teresa recognizes before her godfather and its husband who committed an error and who the man which he saw was not Torrealba. Then,the young landowner makes clear to Enrique who wants the divorce as soon as possible. Paralelamente, Genoveva tries to convince to Alesio and to Remigio of which Santiago is the old overseer of `Tormenta', but they refuse to believe resemblance affirmation until they do not see the son of Guanipa with his own eyes. While to his it looks for it hopelessly mother, Trini appears in house of Cipriano to ask to him it left why it. Before the tenderness of the adolescent, the husband of Remedies will not take in softening and in promising to him that he will visit it from time to time to Maria Teresa he returns to be once again with Saints and, when seeing speaking with He dominated him, he asks to him that he does not continue lying. He, nevertheless, insists on which its name is Santiago Guanipa and, striving to hide his true feelings to him deals, it with hardness. Gisela discovers that it has a tumor On `the Small pump Rojo', sincere Alirio with Michelle and, after explaining to him that saw since it for the first time it feels knows that it all the life kisses, it on the lips. Ignoring what it is happening in the brothel then, Solita complaint before Remedies of which just the arrival is interfering between her and its fianc2e. Shortly after, when returning to its house, Alirio mounts in rage when it surprises Jesus and Gisela in the bed and threatens to the son of Cipriano killing to him, if not house with its sister.
Decided to confront his responsibility, that same day the boy is going to visit Damián father and he asks to him that he gives date him. Isabella finds out that its premium must go to the city to visit a psychiatrist and, thinking that it will be the perfect occasion to undo of her, is offered to accompany it. Trusting, Mª Teresa accepts. Simón appears in the property of Bernarda to demand the money to him that him must and to notice to him that it does not return to approach Argimiro. The woman, with firmness, assures to him that she will pay to him before one week and she leaves him very clearly will see Guanipa wishes whenever it. Enrique surprises Genoveva occurring a bath and, letting itself take by the desire that young the wide-awake one in him, tries to violate it. Fortunately, Maria Teresa arrives then and avoids that the aggression is consumed. Disgusted, the daughter of the Ernesto deceased slaps her husband, but he, indignant, gives back the blow to him without miramientos. Juan Andres communicates to him to Gisela that has a tumor in the abdomen and that if it follows ahead with his pregnancy, could even die. Solita, meanwhile, goes to see Alirio to say to him that it is waiting for a son his, but before he gets to do it, it breaks his relation. In the city, Felipe manages to see Valentina and, when discovering that totally he is drugged, he says to him to Jorge that they must as soon as possible remove it from the psychiatric one. Jesus recognizes before Damián father who, in spite of being arranged to marry with Gisela, never has stopped loving Trinidad. The priest, then, decides to go to speak with Bernarda to avoid that the lies of the woman continue destroying both young. Shortly after which Santiago appears in `the Guanipera' and takes possession from the property, Edelmira communicates to his hijastro to him that it is arranged to burn it, before the son of his late husband is overcome it definitively. Maria Teresa, on the other hand, makes clear to Guanipa that the house of `the Tormenta' is hers and that cannot throw it of there. The boy responds to him that, as the earth belong to him to him, they will have to coexist under the same ceiling.
Chapter 15 (Of 28 April to 8 the May of 2006)
Argimiro is declared to Bernarda What has happened?
• Alirio breaks with Solita after kissing to Michelle.
• Jesus is going to see Damián father to determine the date of his wedding with Gisela. • Enrique tries to violate to Genoveva, but Maria Teresa in time arrives to prevent it. • Saints the Guanipera' appears in `to throw to Simón and Edelmira, but this one refuses to leave the property. What is going to happen?
• Saints strike Enrique.
• To Trinidad it does not like anything that her mother leaves with Argimiro Guanipa.
• Simón Guerrero finds out that it is going to have a son. Edelmira, fearing to remain in the street, leaves to a side its aggressive attitude and it is attractive and seductive with Argimiro, remembering to him that once they were loving and that it got to really want to him. In sarcastic tone, Guanipa makes clear to the woman knows who it very well and his Hilario brother remembers to him to how many men killed to remain with their money, including a. Enrique is able to violate to Genevieve Simon no doubt in threatening to Cipriano take revenge itself to help the Guanipa to clear its property to him and the mayor shows all the documents to him that have presented/displayed uncle and nephew, assuring that they are legal. After reviewing the papers meticulously, Guerrero verifies that in them it appears, like mother of Santiago, Zurima Brito, the same name of the mother of Torrealba Saints. “That means that, or is brother, or is the same person”, says to him to Camacho. Once the lawyer has confirmed to Mª Teresa who the earth belong to Torrealba, but that the house will continue being hers, the young person proposes Saints to be his new overseer, in exchange for a pay. With an funny smile, the new proprietor accepts the enchanted supply. During one of its assiduous visits to Bernarda, Argimiro makes storing of value and finally it dares to confess to him that it has fallen in love crazy with her. Affected, but also distrusted, the woman responds that she does not wish to return to undergo and the uncle of Saints, to demonstrate that their feelings are sincere kisses, it tenderly. While, being useful that his wife is not in the house, Enrique puts in the dormitory of Genoveva and the viola, not without first to threaten it so that he keeps silence. Juan Andres recognizes that he loves Trinidad Ignoring the despicable action of her husband, Maria Teresa arrives at the property, exhausted after one lasts work day. For their surprise, Saints are waiting for it in their bed and he demands to him that he lies own with him. Hit by the prepotent tone of Torrealba, the Montilla young person makes clear that she does not think to him to give itself to him by the force and, furious, march of the quarter. After the debut of Michelle like singer, he kisses it to Alirio and he proposes marriage to him. Very scared by the course that is taking the events, she refuses. Felipe and Jorge strain themselves in the psychiatric one and, after leaving out of play the man who watches to Valentina they hide, it in house of Manuel, the uncle of Jorge. Enrique tells Simon that has seen Maria Teresa and to Santiago kissing itself and both they begin to
consider the possibility that seriously Guanipa and Santos in fact they are the same person. In the consultation of Juan Andres, this one confesses Jesus to him whom it loves Trinidad and the son of Remedies requests to him that he gives to the girl all the love that he could not give him.
Chapter 16 (Of 5 May to 12 the May of 2006)
Maria Teresa, on the verge of dying What has happened?
• Maria Teresa becomes the new overseer of `Tormenta'.
• Argimiro declares its love to him to Bernarda and both initiate a sentimental relation. • Taking advantage of the absence his wife, Enrique Montalvo puts in the quarter of Genoveva and the viola.
• Michelle rejects the proposal of marriage of Alirio.
• Felipe and Jorge are able to rescue to Valentina of the psychiatric one.
What is going to happen?
• The Guerrero manages to conserve their earth.
• Solita discovers that Michelle and Miguelón are the same person.
•Safe Alesio to Saints.
The mother of Virginia appears in `the Rojo' Small pump looking for her daughter. After saying to him to Dalila who is, she clarifies to him that the true name of the young person is Sweet. Immediately afterwards, just the arrival confesses the owner of the brothel that, although loves the girl as if outside her daughter, in fact one woman occurred it when she was only a baby. The sudden arrival of Virginia interrupts the conversation of the two women, just when Dalila is going to ask to him which is the name of that person. Surely of which Maria Teresa and Santiago tries to incriminate to him in the murder of Ernesto Montilla, Enrique faces his wife and tries that he confesses, shakes vigorously while it with violence. Luckily, the new proprietor of `the Tormenta' appears then and defends his beautiful overseer. In the town, Solita sees Alirio in the street and it directs itself towards him prepared to say to him that it is waiting for a son his. Nevertheless, the young person goes ahead to him and she lets him know that she has thought to marry with Michelle as soon as she can. Enrique tries to attack his wife The idea to lose the property by which his father fought during so many years does not let rest to Maria Teresa and, decided to avoid that happens, it is going to see Simón Guerrero. While both speak on the best way to reclaim their earth, Saints, died of jealousy, observe to them from far. Incapable to continue being present at the scene, the old overseer of `the Tormenta' moves away and he goes to a near spring where Isabella is occurring a bath. Pleasingly surprised, the girl is useful once again to put her enchantments on approval and the landowner, still furious when remembering to hijastro of Edelmira taking to Mª Teresa by the waist, ends up letting itself seduce and makes the love with her. After its encounter with the Montilla young person, Simón is going to see Virginia to throw in face its adventures to him with other men. But it remains without words when it, is satiated with being insulted and humiliated, she finishes confessing to him that the son who is waiting for is his. Edelmira, that has listened to all the conversation, mounts in rage and decides to undo of Virginia. Shortly after, an invitation arrives at `Guanipera'. Simón, satisfied, verifies that their approach maneuvers to the daughter of the Ernesto deceased are bearing their fruits, because in the message the young person asks to him that she has dinner with her. When Isabella returns to the property after its enthusiastic encounter with Guanipa, her cousin tries to force it to leave the property, without obtaining it. The discussion is raising of tone and the two women end up arriving at the hands. For indignation of Maria
Teresa, Saints appear then and he remembers to him that he does not have any right to throw to anybody, because now he is the owner and she only one more employee of the property. Before the persistence of Trini in continuing seeing Cipriano, Bernarda is on the verge of telling the truth him on its origin, but in the end it chooses to be silent. In fact, matriarch of the Ayala gathered the young person being a girl, when the mayor killed his family, but knows that the truth will only make worse the things. During dinner, Mª Teresa pretends to feel attracted by Simón and responds to its kisses. As the woman hoped, Torrealba interrupts to them and, without mediating word, it offers puñetazo to Guerrero. It hides between the shades, Edelmira it sees leave to Virginia and its mother and shoots, but who is seriously wounded is not the girl, but its companion. While they wait for the diagnosis of the doctors in the hospital, Dalila confirms that Virginia is its daughter when its last name finds out that the young conserve, Montaner. Furious to the knowledge that Maria Teresa has burned all their clothes, Isabella sets fire to the room of its premium when this one is inside. Locked up, the young person does not manage to choke the flames…
Chapter 17 (Of 15 May to 21 the May of 2006)
Valentina returns to Brave Port What has happened?
• Torrealba saints let themselves seduce by the Isabella evildoer and make the
love with her.
• Simón Guerrero does not finish thinking that his lover is going to give a son him.
• Dalila discovers that Virginia is the daughter who has been so many years looking for. • Maria Teresa is on the verge of dying burnt, when its premium brings about a fire in its dormitory. What is going to happen?
• Men paid by Cipriano set afire the municipal archives.
• Isabella kills Manuel, the uncle of Jorge.
• Virginia loses its mother.
While Holy he saves from Maria Teresa to die burnt, not very far from there, Enrique is attacked by a rabid dog. The animal, that is not other that Abel Caín under the spell of Tatacoa, persecutes to Montalvo until it makes him fall in a marsh, where the man suffocates.
Prisoner of its own lie and when as soon as they lack days for his connection with Alirio,
Michelle confesses to Damián father its secret to him: “I am Miguelón Camacho”. Closely together, it hides in the penumbra of the church, an overwhelmed Solita listens to the revealing conversation. Isabella tries to bother to Maria Teresa saying to him that, sooner or later, it will become the woman of Santiago Guanipa. Without perturbing, to his it challenges it premium to it obtains that it: “You will be able to have its kisses, but never you will obtain its heart”. Other people's to the discussion between the two women, the old overseer of `the Tormenta' faces Simón in a race horse, without suspecting that everything is a trap of its enemy to demonstrate that Torrealba is Holy, the unique man able to win to him. Alesio saves the life to saints At the same moment at which Mª Teresa, Ricardo and Isabella locates the corpse of Enrique, Edelmira receives a notification of the judge, in whom it communicates to him that the property will follow in its power. In the town, the victory of Guanipa takes the applause of all the inhabitants, but also it confirms that it is Holy. Cipriano, that was waiting for that moment, signals to a sniper bet in the tile roof and this one shoots against the winning acclaimed one. Alesio reacts and it interposes between the bullet and its friend, but he is who is wounded. In the middle of the uproar that form during the confrontation between the men of Camacho and those whom they support to Torrealba, Felipe and Jorge they arrive at the town with Valentina. The friendly, after finding out that her prote'ge'e lived in Brave Port before being locked up in the psychiatric one, think that only there it will be able to return to remember. Indeed, the girl begins to recover the memory and Felipe is useful to declare itself. Confused, the daughter of Bernarda does not know how to react when she kisses it to the young person. Mª Teresa finds out through its lawyer that her mother sold `the Tormenta' to Hilario Guanipa, reason why Edelmira, to the being its widow, could also remain with the property of the Montilla. Desperate, the girl calls to Nanny to tell him what it has happened and she, before the course whom the events are taking, decides to keep awake to her employer the mystery on her origin: “When Ernesto arrived at `Tormenta', your mother and her sister fell in love with him. Anxious to become the owner of everything, your father married with the major of the two, Maria Lucia, although Teresa was enamored with Mª. With the step time, as his wife could not have children, left pregnant woman to its sister-in-law. From that prohibited love you were born”. Disturbed, the girl asks to him Nanny what was of its true mother. “Nobody returned that is to say nothing from her, although the farmers said that he lived in the forest. They knew it like Sybil”. After the confession of her employee, Maria Teresa leaves in search of the woman who gave the life him, but to who she finds is to Saints who, tired to pretend, apologize to her by all the damage that has done to him and it
confesses to him that never it has stopped loving it. Nevertheless, the pain the Montilla young person is too great and, disappointed, it responds that he no longer is the same Saints del that fell in love. Arranged to take advantage the happiness of Simón after knowing the decision judge, Edelmira goes to Tatacoa in search of some drink to seduce to him. That same night, the woman mixes pócima that has given to the sorceress in the drink of his hijastro to him. Nevertheless, the effect will not be the one that it hoped and the ill Guerrero young person seriously. Nanny, troubles because not yet there is counted everything to him to Maria Teresa, reveals to him that he was his father, Ernesto Montilla, that his grandfathers killed. This one, with its last breath, changed its testament and it left allgoods him to his smaller daughter. Not very far from there, in the home of the Ayala, Trinidad it receives the visit of Juan Andres, who declares his unconditional love to him.
Chapter 18 (Of 22 May to 29 the May of 2006)
Maria Teresa, embarrassed What has happened?
• Enrique dies drowned after being attacked by Abel Caín. • Solita listens Michelle to confess Damián father who is Miguelón Camacho. • Felipe and Jorge take to Valentina to Brave Port and the girl begins to remember small pieces of her past. • Edelmira throws pócima in the drink of Simón to seduce to him, but the unique thing that obtains is that his hijastro to enfer to me. What is going to happen? • Edelmira says to him to Tatacoa that it will give him what it asks to him, if manages to cure to Simón. • Remedies become mayoress of Brave Port.
• `The Sibila' is going to see Nanny Without noticing itself that Trini is listening, Bernarda aloud says and implora to the Virgin who pardons by to have lain her daughter. The young person, confused by the words of his mother interrupts, it to ask to him what talks about.
Before the silence of the woman, Trinidad asks to him that it says to him if is its
relation with Cipriano Camacho. “Is not my father, truth? And that means that Jesus is not my brother”.
After speaking with Nanny, Mª Teresa get ready to go to the city council of the town in search of the title deeds of `Tormenta'. Nevertheless, before it leaves the property, one of the employees arrives out of breath and, before stupor of the Montilla young person, it tells him that the municipal file has been burned with all the documents that were in him. Argimiro, that also has found out the happened thing, says to him to Demetrio that will leave immediately to the city to enforce the law and to avoid that Cipriano leaves undamaged its crimes of corruption. Virginia loses its adoptive mother Just when Guanipa get ready to leave, Holy it enters the house with the clothes that took when he was a simple overseer. The lawyer, surprised, asks to him his nephew what makes dress of that stews and he responds to him that as of this moment he will face his enemies to his way. Argimiro respects its decision, although it makes to him clear that, anyway, it will continue fighting by the legal route. Much more near which Torrealba could imagine,Valentina continues recovering the memory and evokes the moment in which the young person requested marriage to him and also the moment in which it was on the verge of surprising to him kissing with Maria Teresa. “It was my fianc2e and she my friend, but they deceived to me, whispers. Felipe, every enamored day more, confesses his fear to him of which he returns to see to that man and he forgets, but the first-born of Bernarda promises to him that will not happen: “Is to Me protection and affection and that do not do anyone. You are a great man, but I must find out everything on me and now recover my life”. Paralelamente, in the property, matriarca of the Ayala accedes to sincerar itself with Trinidad and to keep awake the truth to him on its origin. Therefore, she tells him how she saved of a slaughter ordinate by Cipriano Camacho, in which all their family passed away, and her own daughter raised like a. After the hard confession, both embrace crying; now they feel more united than ever. The state of Simón gets worse per moments and Edelmira, when seeing that Tatacoa does not have intention to go to see him, runs to the town to warn the doctor. In spite of the cares of Juan Andres, Guerrero ends up entering comma for desperation of his madrastra.
While Holy she is going to see one defeated Maria Teresa to try of which she reacts and she fights next to him to conserve `Tormenta', in a cave of the forest, Maria Lucia recriminates her sister to him who had a daughter with her husband. `The Sibila' tries to make understand the suffered woman who it and Ernesto Montilla already loved themselves since they were very young. “In addition - it adds, I remained pregnant before you married”. Maria Teresa reunites forces sufficient to be united to Saints in her fight and the man, proud of the bravery of loved his, says to him that he will return to be his overseer. While both are reuniting to the head of cattle, the young person suffers I am annoying and Torrealba asks to him that it remains in refuge while he continues with the work. Shortly after,nevertheless, Remigio and Alesio warn to him that the employer is had in a faint and transfers it to Saints to the house. In the hospital, Virginia cries the death of the woman who she creates her mother, while Dalila, very caused sorrow, tries to console it. Isabella finds out that Valentina is hidden in the property of Manuel and goes towards there. The uncle of Jorge, trusting, leaves to greet it, and she is useful to kill to him. Soon one goes to the quarter where to duer me the Ayala young person to finalize his mission, but when she is on the verge of assassinating it, she arrives Felipe and she ruins his plans. Without the boy gets to suspect nothing, the cousin of Maria Teresa invents an excuse and she goes away. Although at first it relates the faint of his employer to the excess of work, Nanny observes that also it has the swollen feet and deduces that she is pregnant. In order to make sure, the maid accompanies to Mª Teresa to the consultation by Juan Andres and this one, after doing analyses to him, confirms to him that it is waiting for a son. Felipe discovers the body of Manuel and, fearing for his prote'ge'e, he asks to him that they go away of there. Valentina, nevertheless, does not think to leave until it finds Torrealba Saints and, not to put in danger its friend, march without saying nothing to him. From way to the town the young person is with Argimiro and she requests aid to him.
Chapter 19 (Of 29 May to 5 June of 2006)
Simón remains quadriplegic What has happened?
• Sincere Bernarda with Trinidad and tells the truth him on its origin.
• Virginia cries the death of its adoptive mother.
• Killer Isabella to Manuel, but it interrupts it to Felipe
before mate to Valentina. What is going to happen?
• Demetrio asks to him Damián father to be monaguillo.
• Mª Teresa falls of the horse and Alesio deduces that it has not been an accident.
• Cipriano has an infarct Although he is happy knowing that it is going to have a son of Saints, Maria Teresa requests Juan to him Andres who does not say anything to him to Torrealba. The doctor, sincere, thinks that the future father would have to know the news, although promises to him to keep the secret. While, in the way that the town leads, Argimiro establishes conversation with Valentina Ayala and is offered to help it in everything what needs. The young person is on the verge of asking to him she takes that it with Saints, but then appears Felipe she stops and it. Guanipa, very been strange by the behavior of the boy, march. Tatacoa wants to protect to Virginia Maria Teresa goes with Nanny to the cemetery to visit the tomb of her father. “If God could perdonarte, I also can”, says the Montilla young person aloud, while not very far from `the Sibila' observes the scene there. Argimiro arrives at house of the Ayala and, when entering the hall, it repairs in a photography. “I have seen that young person today”, assures. But Trini says to him that it is impossible, because her Valentina sister died. After visiting Simón and of which Edelmira promises to give him what wishes if it saves to his hijastro, Tatacoa orders to Abel Caín that is put to the service of the woman. “Thus we will know all plans and we will be able to protect better to Virginia. It is necessary that baby is born”, whispers the witch with mysterious tone. Nanny is worried about Maria Teresa and, to avoid that this one says nothing to him to Holy on its pregnancy, it notices to him that if the overseer finds out that he is going to be father, it could clear its son to him. At that same moment, Torrealba is in the church saying before an image of Jesus and requesting to him that it helps him to recover to loved his. Next, the boy meets with his uncle, who asks to him that he visits Bernarda: “She already knows that you follow alive and a hug would enchant darte to him. After all, you are the unique thing that it has left of its greater daughter”. In `Tormenta', Nanny takes to a good scare when seeing before her `Sibila'. accuses This one it with broken firmness to have its promise, but the nursemaid explains to him it did that it because Maria Teresa was undergoing much. The mother of the Montilla young person, affected, decides to pardon it,although also she begs to him that not aside to his daughter of the love, “because he is the unique thing that can save it”. In order to be able to continue protecting Valentina, it takes it to Felipe to a house next to Brave Port, it presents/displays where it like his wife, Natacha. The house belongs to two women, Felicia and Alcira, who remain of stone when amazing observing the similar one of their renter with the daughter of Bernarda Ayala. After its encounter with `Sibila', Nanny speaks with Maria Teresa and it asks to him that it gives one second opportunity him to Saints, because has right that is to say that is going to be father. Before the evident astonishment of its employer by its change of attitude, the nursemaid the sight tenderly and insists on which “the love is most important and than without him it is not worth the trouble to live”. Finally, after passing several weeks between the life and the death and for happiness of Edelmira, Simón returns in himself. Still dozed, it tries to move, but account occurs of which it does not feel the legs. Desperate and with tears in the eyes, Guerrero refuses to accept the evident thing: it has remained quadriplegic. The continuous mareos that its employer undergoes are no past unnoticed for Genoveva and, convinced that Maria Teresa is pregnant woman, is said it to Saints. This one, incredulous, is going to see his loved to know if it is truth, but she refuses to confirm the news to him.
Chapter 20 (Of 5 June to 11 June of 2006)
The prohibited passion of Edelmira What has happened?
• Argimiro knows Valentina, without imagining that she is the daughter of Bernarda
• `The Sibila' appears before Nanny to reproach to have spoken to him of more its daughter.
• Wide-awake Simón Guerrero of the coma, but is hopeless w
• Demetrio and Jesus are going to look for Michelle.
• Virginia visits Simón.
• Valentina finds out that Maria Teresa is waiting for a son of Saints.
Isabela finds to Saints in the stables and, resorting to his arms of woman, it tries to seduce to him. But the young person, who cannot stop thinking about which Genoveva said to him, is not of humor for gallantry and him outcry that leaves him peacefully. Then, in Brave Port the elections are celebrated to choose the new mayor. After the count of votes and, for deception of Cipriano, the unquestionable winner she is his wife, Remedies. Already in the evening, almost all the town prepares itself for the double wedding of Jesus with Genoveva, and Alirio with Michelle. Saints, for the first time since he recognized to be the overseer of the Montilla, visit the Ayala to accompany them to the church. Bernarda embraces to him with affection. “Verte is like seeing alive Valentina”, says to him moved. Without imagining that her cousin has listened to one of her conversations with Nanny and already it knows that she is pregnant woman, Maria Teresa receives his lawyer. This one communicates to him that it has located a document that certifica that as much `Tormenta', as `the Guanipera' belongs to their family. Nevertheless, so that the girl can accede to them, it will have to demonstrate that she is daughter of Maria Teresa Marrero, because she is the legitimate heiress. While the lawyer and the young person speak in the house, Isabela goes to the stables and places something under the chair to mount of Devil. Later, when Maria Teresa raises her horse to give a stroll, the animal is scared and the strip to the ground. Once Alesio and Remigio take to the girl, who is unconscious, to its room, its premium, showing a false preoccupation, offers itself to call to the doctor. Maria Teresa, on the verge of losing its baby On the other hand, Edelmira, convinced that Virginia is the person in charge of the state of Simón, orders to call to the Tatacoa sorceress to order to him that mate to the girl. Spent days, Alirio and Young Jesus they wait for in the church its respective fianc2ees. The son of Remedies will take advantage of the moment to confess to him to Trinidad that, in spite of knowledge which they are brother, still the mistress. The arrival of Gisela and Michelle interrupts the romantic declaration and the religious ceremony begins. In the property of the Montilla, Alesio hopes to that its employer recovers the knowledge to say to him that its horse had a sharp object under the chair and that somebody had to put it there. Isabela, on the other hand, manipulates the vehicle in which Remigio is going to take it to the town. “cousin is not going to see it any doctor”, says for himself. In `Guanipera', a desperate Simón is relieved with Edelmira and is thankful for its dedication like the “good mother” who always has been for him. It is satiated to pretend, the woman confesses that the feelings that wake up in her are not nothing maternal. “I am a woman who wants to you and that she needs your love, whispers to the overwhelmed young person, who is incapable to react when his madrastra, crazy person of desire, kiss to him on the mouth. With incredulity gesture, Guerrero deals to separate to the woman, who does not stop caressing to him. Cipriano, drunkard, have an infarct Defendant by Maria Teresa of to have brought about its fall, Isabela the strip to the ground, prepared to show no mercy with her. Genoveva reacts quickly and pushes the premium of its employer, that is struck in the head and is unconscious. Worried, the Montilla young person asks to him to Remigio that goes in search of a doctor and minutes later the employee returns, although not with Juan Andres. Before the interrogative gesture of Maria Teresa, the boy explains that when went from way to the town it found another doctor, doctor Felipe. The celebration of the double wedding continues in Brave Port. Benito father already has declared to Jesus and Genoveva husband and woman and Damián father get ready to do the same with Alirio and Michelle, but Solita interrupts to him. Raising the voice so that they can listen to it, the daughter of Chepa leaves all agape ones when, after confessing that she waits for a son of Alirio, she adds that the woman with which this one is going to marry is Miguelón Camacho. Other people's to the scandal, Cipriano emborracha after its electoral failure and has an infarct. Saints, who left the church minutes before and are taking a walk by the forest, have been the unique one that has not listened to the words of Solita. Far, Valentina observes to him. Suddenly, the boy listens to his name and, when turning itself, he creates to recognize a well-known figure. Nevertheless, and although it goes after her, it is not able to reach it. While Alirio remains in shock state, his `novia' flees from the town and ends up falling of the horse, closely together of where is Torrealba. Minutes later, when seeing its friend helping to an unconscious Michelle, Alesio puts to him to the current of the true identity of the person whom it has before him. Far from to give the back him to Miguelón, Saints decide to help him and to avoid that they lynch to him. Felipe also takes a great surprise when noticing that the young person to whom must examine is the same that locked up to Valentina. Before doctor Marche, Isabela returns in himself and, becoming the victim, he assures to him that the authentic culprit of that one is Maria Teresa Montilla, its premium.
Chapter 21 (Of 12 June to 18 June of 2006)
Saints request marriage to him to Mª Teresa What has happened?
•Remedies are chosen new mayoress of Brave Port
. • Jesus and Gisela become husband and woman.
• When Damián father is going to marry to Alirio and Michelle, Solita
outcry that the fianc2ee is in fact Miguelón.
• Isabela tries to kill its premium being caused that falls of its horse.
• Edelmira is declared to Simón and it kisses to him on themouth.
What is going to happen?
•Jesus takes to Remedies to visit Michelle.
• Juan Andres proposes to him to Virginia to be his secretary.
• Solita finds Gisela in a faint and warns Alirio. After his conversation with Isabela, Felipe says to Maria Teresa to him who will take to his premium to the city to realise more tests to him. The young person is useful to tell him that she has fallen of the horse and that fears for its pregnancy, which leaves impressed the friend of Valentina very. In its house, Solita says to him to Chepa that is glad of the bad thing which they are passing it Alirio and Miguelón, since both ruined the life to him and now finally it has been able to take revenge itself. Fearing that the Isabela evildoer returns to `the Tormenta' when she returns of the city, Nanny is going to see Saints and it asks to him that it throws definitively to the young person of the property to prevent mainly that it makes damage to Maria Teresa, now that is waiting for a son. “Then, it was truth? ”, the overseer asks, who already had begun to doubt the words of Genoveva. Moved before the idea of being father, Saints promise to the nursemaid that will do what she asks to him. In that precise moment, Valentina also knows, through Felipe, the news of the pregnancy of its old friend. Flood of hatred when remembering the son who she lost, the Ayala young person is more determined than ever to take revenge of Santos and Maria Teresa Montilla. Fulfilling its word, Torrealba expels to Isabela of the property. “I will go away, but first I will be in charge of eliminaros all”, threatens. The men of the town arrive at the cabin where Michelle is hidden arranged to lynch it, but it defends it to Alesio and it is able to throw to the intruders. While, in the home of the Camacho, Remedies it lets to a side its differences with Cipriano to take care of of him. Worried about the health of her husband, the mayoress of Brave Port asks to him Jesus who does not tell to his father anything him on the happened thing with Miguelón. Damián father admits that she is not priest Being useful that its employer is sleeping, Rufina lets enter the house Virginia. Without paying attention to the words of Simón, that asks to him time and time again that Marche, the young person confesses to him that crazy she is enamored with him and who the son that hopes is his. Edelmira appears right when the pair is being kissed and, after breaking a bottle, threatens to Virginia with marking the face to him. The intervention of the maid, who in time arrives to stop the owner of the house, avoids that the tragedy takes place. But shortly after it will have to face his own dismissal. Saints, on the other hand, reiterate their love to him to Maria Teresa, but this one, fearing that is making fun of of her once again, rejects to him and it asks to him that it does not return to speak of feelings, because no longer creates to him. Felipe says to him to Valentina that Isabela is going to declare against its enemies, including Torrealba, and it asks to him that it accompanies the city to them. But the girl has her own plans: “I will be careful, but to that pair of miserable I am not going them to let be happy in which it remains to me of life”. While Jesus and Michelle carry out a touching encounter, a priest, who appears like Isidoro father, arrives at the church of Brave Port. For surprise of Don Benito, just arrived he assures to him that it is the parish priest who sent the bishopric and who Damián is an imposter. Before the interrogative gesture of the old one, the alluded one confesses that after a time in which was forced to rob and to commit all type of misdeeds next to its Cosme brother, it decided to enter the seminary. “When I knew Isidoro father they persecuted by a crime that had committed my binocular and by whom they wanted to kill to me”, he adds. In `the Small pump Rojo', Holy is relieved with Dalila. While he drinks a glass after another one, Teresa laments itself by the rejection of Maria. The proprietor of the premises, after listening her friend, animates to him to declare itself of a much more romantic way and he, animated by the alcohol, decides to contract some musicians and to take a serenade loved his. Music immediately wakes up to the Montilla young person who, without imagining that Valentina also is observing the scene, cannot avoid to smile, deluded. After intoning a romantic ballad, Torrealba hopes to that the woman of her life receives to him, but who leaves is Nanny, to say to him that she is going away to sleep. While they chat,Maria Teresa to the aim makes formal appearance and Saints, kneeling down before her, request him marriage. Nevertheless, before the young person gives an answer him, the alcohol makes its effect and pretending desmaya. Damián, crushed by the remorse, begs to Benito father whom it pardons to him. The old one is taken pity of him, but it among others notices that the town will not be so benevolent, things to him because all the weddings that has celebrated are null. In house of the Ayala, Trini intuits the presence of somebody and,scared, it threatens shouting. Suddenly, it listens to a familiar voice and it creates to be dreaming, but it is not thus. Valentina is next to her and the two brothers embrace moved.
Chapter 22 (Of 16 June to 26 June of 2006)
Valentina threatens to Mª Teresa What has happened?
• Saints throw to Isabela of the property and she promises to take revenge herself.
• Alesio defends to Michelle and avoids that it is lynched.
• Pressed by a priest who finishes arriving at the town, Damián admits that it is not cures. • After dedicating to a beautiful serenade to Maria Teresa, Torrealba kneels down before her and it requests marriage to him.
What is going to happen?
• `The Sibila' says to Mª Lucia to him who her daughter wants to see it.
• Trinidad accedes to operate to recover the view.
• Remedies ask to him to Michelle that goes away of the town Moved by the encounter with his sister, Valentina it asks to him that, at least at the moment, it does not say to him to his mother who is alive. Before the insistence of Trini, that wants to know the true reason for its long absence, the girl responds that not yet she can tell nothing him, but she will do that it more ahead. Paralelamente, in `Tormenta', Holy wakes up with a strong headache brought about by at night previous drunkenness. When seeing Mª Teresa next to his bed and to demonstrate that its proposal was not product of the alcohol, it is gotten up and, taking it by the waist, it gives an enthusiastic kiss him. Far from there, Cipriano, instead of to show its gratefulness to him Remedies to take care of of him during its convalecencia, takes advantage of a visit `the Manco' to propose to him that they organize `blow of estado' with the purpose of to dismiss his wife While Valentina accepts the offer of Alcira to change its appearance, in house of the Ayala Bernarda it is very worried about Trini. Young person, that has not stopped crying since her sister appeared in the house, lies to its mother saying to him that it is sad because it has had an evil dream. `Sibila', rejected by its own daughter Nanny and Genoveva do not take in realizing that their patrons have reconciled and the nursemaid, with a complicity wink, it says to them to which rests what they need and that she will take care of the property and the laborers. At that precise moment, in deepest of the forest, `the Sibila' is communicating him to Maria Lucia who finally has arrived the moment for being in front in front of with Maria Teresa. “I am going to go to see it,although nobody will be able to save it of the tragedy that hopes to him”, it says to him mysterious to his sister. Recovered of the surprise that has supposed her to know that Miguelón has been transformed into Michelle, Remedies request Jesus to him takes who it where `is his hija'. In the meantime, the life begins to change for Virginia. On the one hand, Juan Andres offers use to him like secretary and, on the other, Edelmira apologizes by its attitude and it says to him that it accepts his relation with Simón. The girl, thanked for and moved, does not imagine that everything is one treta of the evil woman. Valentina, unrecognizable after dark glasses and dressed totally black, decides to accompany to Alcira the misa that Benito father will celebrate to dismiss Damián. While the daughter of Bernarda, visibly disturbed, remembers her wedding with Saints, in `the Tormenta' the overseer announces the workers who will marry with Mª Teresa. But the pair must leave the toast that proposes Nanny to them for another moment, because Remigio arrives out of breath to tell them that the men of the town have returned to hang to Michelle. While Torrealba goes in its aid, a bad premonition is seized of the Montilla young person. Its intuition does not deceive it, although the cause is not the confrontation of the overseer with the group of raised. In the city, Isabela not only get ready to denounce to its premium before the judge, but also it has convinced the doctor who tried to Valentina in the psychiatric one so that she testifies against her. After finding unconscious Gisela, Solita, worried, it runs to look for Alirio to put to him to the current of the happened thing. Man, that he ignores that her sister has cancer, does not include/understand what him can have happened and it takes the doctor as quickly as possible. Juan Andres examines his patient and insists on the necessity that he is put under several sessions of chemotherapy. But the young person refuses with firmness. With the aid of Alesio and Remigio, Saints are able to make flee to the aggressors of Michelle and this one, after being thankful for their aid to him, sincere with him. “The unique thing that worries at the moment to me is that to my it pardons me mother by the misfortune that I have given him”, it says to him to his friend at the same moment at which it appears Remedies. After seconds of indecision, both embrace happy and moved. In which she creates a dream, Maria Teresa sees `the Sibila' and hears how this one indicates a point to him in some place of the forest. Without saying to him that the woman whom saw is of meat and bone, Nanny advises to the young person to go to the indicated place. In addition, it offers itself to accompany it. On the other hand, Damián is going to visit Maria Teresa to take leave, but before leaving it confesses to him that she is not priest and who as much their wedding with Enrique as the one of Saints with Valentina is null. Practically at the same time, Torrealba is with Alcira it invites and it to his celebration of commitment. “Your companion can also attend”, says the overseer to him without recognizing the daughter of Bernarda. In the city, after listening to the serious accusations that Isabela has spilled against its premium, Pedraza commander asks to him why she did not denounce it long before. “Because he threatened to me of death so that he did not say that she was the person in charge of the unjust confinement of Valentina”, she lies with impudence and hypocrisy. Saints accompany to their fiance'e until the place in which he must be with the woman who him `apareció' in dreams. After confessing to Maria Teresa who is his true mother, `the Sibila' apologises to him it to have left being only one girl. Stunned and incapable to react, the young person refuses. Paralelamente, Edelmira, following ahead with its macabre plan to undo of Virginia, propose to him to go to live to `the Guanipera' with a unique condition: it will have to leave all their past back, including Dalila. In
spite of the affection that the girl feels she, its great love by Simón weighs much more.
Taking advantage of a trip to the town, Maria Teresa is going to visit Alcira and, without
suspecting that Valentina is listening in the contiguous room, she tells him that she is
waiting for a son of Saints. Remedies know that the love that Michelle feels by Alirio is
sincere and try to convince the brother of Gisela of which it pardons his daughter and it
gives another opportunity him. But it feels too much humiliated to be able to forget the
happened thing. The continuous attentions that Alesio gives to him to Jenny are no past
unnoticed for Genoveva, that every day is more jealous. The friend of Michelle has noticed
and asks the young person if she is his fianc2ee, but he assures that only she is a friend.
Once he has listened to the declarations of Isabela and Beatriz, Pedraza commander assures
Felipe to him who as soon as has the testimony of Valentina, will lock up to Maria Teresa
Montilla. While, Saints and their fiance'e remember that `the Sibila' came up to them with
which soon would untie to the fight between the good and the evil. Far from there, Tatacoa
says to him to Abel Caín that cannot allow that Maria Teresa gives a son him to Torrealba.
Trinidad, that to the aim has convinced to Valentina so that it tells all the happened one
him from his disappearance, tries to convince its mother so that it does not go to the
commitment celebration that will be celebrated in `Tormenta': “you cannot allow that Holy it
marries with a traitor”. In fact, Maria Teresa does not feel either totally peacefully and
goes to visit the tomb of Valentina. Suddenly, somebody approaches her and, when turning
itself, the Montilla young person creates to be seeing a ghost. Incapable to move, landed
listening how `fallecida' the threat yet the hatred of which he is able: “You will never
reach the happiness”. Some days later, Felipe returns to Brave Port in search of his
prote'ge'e. The doctor is sure that the halting of Mª Teresa is only time question.
Incapable to know if its imagination him has played a bad one happened or no, the Montilla
young person speaks with Holy on the mysterious encounter that she has had. Then, Torrealba
assures to him that it was not a dream, because it has seen also it.
Chapter 23 (Of 26 June to the 4 Julio of 2006) Jesus, prepared to fight by Trini What has
happened? • Edelmira proposes to Virginia to live in `Guanipera'. • Saints announce to the
workers of `the Tormenta' that will marry with Mª Teresa. • Remedies are going to see
Michelle and both are based on a touching hug. • Isabela denounces to its premium in the
police station of the city. • `The Sibila' meets with its daughter and it apologises to him
it to have left. • Valentina appears to the Montilla young person and it assures to him that
never he will be happy. What is going to happen? • Felipe says to him to Valentina that does
not trust Isabela. • Benito father goes to the city to help Damián. • Simón regrets all
misdeeds Cipriano, that already is better, leaves to give a stroll and observes that the
bust of Miguelón that ordered to place in the place is in the ground. Opposed, but without
imagining the reason for the gamberrada one, Camacho orders its men who reset it as soon as
possible. While Bernarda asks to him Saints and to its fiance'e who swears to him that they
did not have any romance before Valentina passed away, Trini goes to the consultation of
Juan Andres to accept the proposal that the doctor killed a time back to him; it wishes to
operate and to recover the vision. “Now yes I want to contemplate the face of Torrealba and
of Maria Teresa when they pay by all the evil that made brother”, the girl says. Jenny finds
in the suitcase of Michelle documents that make reference to operations of aesthetic surgery
and photographies of those interventions. After examining his content, the young person
interrogates his friend, but she, eluding the subject, assures that she does not know of
what she is speaking. “Here reference to operations in the face, not in the body is only
made. What you are hiding? ”, it asks showing the papers to him. Dalila appears in
`Guanipera', arranged to take with her to Virginia, but the girl makes to him clear that she
wishes to remain in the property to take care of to Simón. Hurt, the owner of `the Rojo'
Small pump returns to the town without to have been able to convince her daughter. Isabela
counts on a new ally After its interview with Tajuil, Argimiro returns to `the Tormenta' to
notify good to Saints: “The judge has determined that the mother of Maria Teresa sold earth
to him to your father, so the property is yours”. Far from to be glad, Torrealba observes
with face of circumstances its fianc2ee, fearing its reaction, and it assures to him that
the earth are only hers. The Montilla young person smiles and responds that once already she
doubted him and that will never return to do it: “In your hands I put my love, my life and
my properties”. On the other hand, Jesus visits Trini to try to convince it that he attends
the celebration of commitment of Mª Teresa and Santos, but she, very altered, refuses:
“Nobody really knows them! Nobody imagines that they are responsible for the death of my
sister”. Incredulous, the son of Remedies says to him that he explains himself better and
than he trusts him, because is its brother it will help and it. Then, the daughter of
Bernarda reveals to him that in fact they are not united by any kinship, since they made
them think, but that its love is not possible because he is married with Gisela. In the
city, Isabela kidnaps to judge Tajuil to make sure its support and, immediately afterwards,
it meets with Valentina. After convincing it that her cousin is responsible for her
confinement, both are allied. Michelle, on the other hand, appears in house of the Camacho
and, without walking itself with roundups, it says to him to Cipriano that it is Miguelón.
Incapable to assimilate the news, the husband of Remedies has a new infarct and the young
person flees from there. Nevertheless, he will not be able to go away very far, because the
men of the ex- mayor manage to catch it and to take it to the jail. Other people's to the
badnesses of Isabela, Santos and Maria Teresa they enjoy its celebration of commitment. At a
certain time, the fianc2ee approaches Alcira and to Nanny and this one she comments to him
that the episode of the cemetery has explanation: “Apparently, Alcira and its mother have a
guest in house, Natasha, that is identical to Valentina”. While Alirio walks thoughtful by
the town, account of which a car is going to run over to Solita and, without doubting it
occurs, sends to envelope she stops to save it. The girl, although at heart is very thanked
for him by to him to have saved the life, hides her true feelings to him. In spite of
knowledge that is not the best moment, Felipe reunites forces and after reiterating his
unconditional love to him, he asks to Valentina that marries with him. She tries to explain
to him that she is not prepared to fall in love, but finally cannot resist to the caresses
of the doctor and both end up enthusiastically making the love. After reviewing the
portfolio of Michelle, Jenny discovers the card of a psychiatrist and it telephones to him
immediately. The doctor explains to him that the woman to whom talks about is crazy, that
never she changed of sex and that the unique relation that unites to him to Miguelón Camacho
is that they were fianc2es. Without losing a minute, the girl is going to look for her
friend, but this one, completely outside himself, is in the middle of the town with a pistol
in the hand, prepared to kill at which it is put in his way. The confession of Trini has
made an impression on Jesus, who remains embelesado observing the picture that painted of
the young person. “Now I am not going to resign”, whispers the boy. It cannot imagine that
loved his, in spite of feeling just like it, finishes receiving a proposal of marriage of
Juan Andres.
Chapter 25 (Of the 3 Julio to the 10 Julio of 2006) Mª Teresa, between grates What has
happened? • Argimiro confirms Saints who he is the owner of `Tormenta'. • Alirio saves the
life to Solita. • Jenny discovers that Michelle is a woman. • Valentina Ayala ends up making
the love with Felipe. • After Trinidad confesses to him that they are not brother, Young
Jesus sets out to fight by his love, costs what costs. While in the home of the Ayala Trini
it communicates his mother to him who has accepted the proposal of marriage of Juan Andres,
in the town all are kind to the one movements unbalanced Michelle. Saints, after avoiding
the firings of the girl, try to convince it that he arms to him, but she is not prepared to
do it. “I fell in love with Miguelón, but he, after lying down with me, did not want to
return to see me. I thought about committing suicide, but finally I chose to disfigure my
face soon to reconstruct it and to initiate a new life”, relates the imposter. Then, it
confirms that the son of Cipriano went to the war, but disappeared in combat. When the
finishing, the young person vacillates during tenth of second, that Torrealba is useful to
disarm it. Far from there, Felipe confesses to him to Valentina that Isabela does not
inspire confidence to him and it asks to him that it has well-taken care of: “After all,
committed it you in the psychiatric one”. Santos and Mª Teresa, anxious to occur yes “, I
want”, are going to visit Benito father to ask to him that it marries to them on the
following day. For his disappointment, the priest responds that Teodoro father will have to
celebrate the ceremony, since he must travel to the city to speak with the bishop on Damián.
The psychiatrist of Michelle, warned of the presence of his patient in Brave Port, travels
until the town to take it with him. But he does not only arrive; he accompanies the true
Miguelón to him Camacho. After recovering of `shock', Remedies, moved narrow, it between
their arms. When it remains solo with his mother, the young soldier explains to him that he
could not put itself in contact with her because they hurt to him in the war and adds that
he has returned to Brave Port to fulfill his promise to marry with Solita. Valentina finds
out that the judge has dictated to an order of halting against Mª Teresa Montilla but,
advised by Isabela, asks to him to Tajuil that does not make it effective until the day of
the wedding of its enemy. While, Jesus sees Trini taking a walk he surprises and it with a
tender kiss. She recognizes the lips of loved his and she responds to him, but she separates
quickly, because she knows that it is an impossible love: “Both we must follow with our
lives, you must somebody more and I am going to marry with Juan Andres”. On the other hand,
Saints are on the verge of telling Virginia who is its true mother, but finally decide to go
to see Dalila to try to convince it that she says herself to it personally. But the owner of
`Rojo' Small pump refuses, convinced that her daughter will not pardon to him it to have
left. Mª Teresa asks to him to Nanny that takes to the hiding place of `the Sibila' to it to
find out if Maria Lucia still follows lives. Obstructed by the emotion, the girl to the aim
is able to eet again itself with the woman to whom she considers her true mother and the two
are based on a hug. Before the Montilla young person returns to the property, `the Sibila'
asks to him that, where appropriate, Tormenta', does not fight by `although does not clarify
the true reason to him for its sharp warning. The situation in which it is and the kindness
that Virginia has demonstrated to him at any moment soften the hard heart of Simón and ends
up regreting all badnesses. Tatacoa curses the son of the Montilla young person Other
people's to the touching moments that her fianc2ee has lived, Saints ride by the forest when
shouts draw their attention. When approaching, he discovers to `the Manco' and its minions
burning alive to a desperate Abel Caín. Approaching the leader, he hurts it to Torrealba
with his machete. The other men flee and he releases to the prisoner. Of return to its
guarida, Abel puts to the current to Tatacoa of the happened thing and promises to give back
the favor to its rescuer. Ricardo returns to Brave Port to attend the wedding of its
goddaughter and this one is useful to appear it to Argimiro. The uncle of Saints greets to
him and mentions that sometimes he listened to his name, which puts something nervous to
just arrived. In the meantime, Remedies take possession from their position like mayoress
and, after dismissing to Ciro and Pensacola, it communicates all the town that Felicia and
Alcira will be the new police of Brave Port. For surprise of Edelmira, his hijastro enters
walking the quarter where it is striking to Virginia. Outside himself, Simón stops the woman
and it orders to him that it does not return to mistreat the young person. The waited for
encounter of Miguelón and Solita to the aim takes place and she is decided to confess her
ex- fianc2e who is waiting for a son of Alirio. Far from to reject it, the boy offers itself
to recognize the baby if house with him and she, surprised, promises to think it. Teresa
arrives the great day for Mª and Santos who, other people's to the storm that is approached,
fixes itself for their wedding. Closely together of there, a small plane finishes taking
earth. In her they travel Felipe, commander Pedraza, Valentina and Isabela. Before carrying
out her plans, the daughter of Bernarda Ayala decides to go to see her sister. Meanwhile,
its ally chooses to make a visit him to Edelmira to tell him that the end of its enemy is
next. At that precise moment, in another stay of `Guanipera', Simón accepts the aid that
offers Abel to him Caín to protect to Virginia of the badness of his madrastra. While Alesio
takes to the fianc2ee to the town, Tatacoa from its guarida curses the young person: “Your
destiny will be marked by the death from the moment in which you enter the church and your
son will fall in my hands to be sacrificed in honor the true heir of these earth”. In the
church, the ceremony flows out calm until Isidoro father asks if somebody knows some reason
that prevents the connection. Before the astonishment of the presents, Valentina appears and
outcry that Holy is married with her and who cannot be united to another woman. While
Bernarda Ayala desmaya by the impression, Pedraza commander goes to Mª Teresa and, after
handcuffing it, prey takes it to the jail of the town.
Chapter 26 (Of the 11 Julio to the 18 Julio of 2006) Valentina asks to him Saints who flee
What has happened? • The psychiatrist of Michelle arrives at the town accompanied by the
true Miguelón. • After responding to the kiss of Jesus, Trinidad confesses to him that it is
going to marry with Juan Andres. • Simón asks to him to Abel Caín that it protects to
Virginia. • Maria Teresa is stopped during the celebration of her wedding with Saints, in
the presence of Valentina. In `Guanipera', Edelmira tells Simón that Isabela was able to put
to Valentina against Maria Teresa and who now he will have to declare to take off once and
for all of means to the landowner. While Holy it in vain tries to convince to Alcira so that
it lets see to him loved his, this one is interrogated by Pedraza commander. When the police
informs to the prisoner of the unfavorable testimony of Isabela, she, completely desperate,
requests to him that she does not create his premium, because is deranged. Finally Torrealba
obtains that Remedies allow him to enter the stay where is retained Maria Teresa. When
seeing him, the Montilla young person asks if she trusts to him her, which Holy responds she
will defend that it with his life and that she will find the way to remove it from there.
Paralelamente, in the home of the Ayala, Valentina puts to its mother to the current of the
happened thing and Argemiro, that is present, comments that it does not think that their
nephew nor the daughter of the Ernesto deceased is able to make damage to anybody. To the
knowledge that the new mayoress of Brave Port is authorized no the transfer from the
prisoner to the city, Tajui travels to the town to celebrate the judgment. Before the
surprise of Isabela when seeing the judge in `the Guanipera, its ally explains to him that
it is an old friend. After her visit to Edelmira, the young evildoer is going to see her
premium and begins to cause it until Maria Teresa, incapable to control themselves takes
hold, it of the neck. Alcira and Felicia go when listening the shouts and Isabela is useful
to become the victim and to accuse the prisoner to try to assassinate it. The same tactics
will follow when Holy tries of which it confesses all the truth. Knowing that Pedraza is
close, Isabela outcry that Torrealba wants to do damage to him. Simón fears that his
madrastra does damage to him to Virginia and asks to which Marche of the property. Rufina,
nevertheless, advises to its friend who does not go away without him, because Edelmira wants
to become the lover of his hijastro. Valentina arrives at the mayorship to meet with Mª
Teresa and this one tries to make him see that it uses it at will to Isabela. But the hatred
and the resentment of the daughter of Bernarda are so, that it refuses to listen to his
words. “Outside the one who outside the person who did as much damage to you, destroyed most
beautiful than it had in you: your joy and your innocence”, say with sadness the Montilla
young person to him. Conscious of the desire that always has waked up in Cipriano Camacho,
Edelmira nondoubt in lying down with him in exchange for counting on the protection of its
men. Shortly after his interested moment of passion, the proprietor of `the Guanipera' goes
to the room of Simón, but she pauses when seeing him kissing itself with Virginia. Outside
himself, the woman hides a scorpion between sheets of her rival, but the one that is wounded
in the end it is Rufina. Abel Caín, worried as quickly as possible takes, it with Tatacoa it
saves so that it. That night, Saints is going to look for Mª prepared Teresa to help it to
flee, but, for her surprise, she refuses alleging that she will demonstrate his innocence.
No can imagine that, while chats, in `the Guanipera' deed a conspiracy against them, in whom
Tajui, Simón, Edelmira, Pedraza, Isabela and Cipriano participate. Without knowledge that
Virginia is listening, the judge says to them to his pals who `the Tormenta' hides an
important treasure and that they have the support of a very powerful man. Worried about the
luck that can run Holy, the young person runs to warn to him immediately. The doubts of
Simón on the past of his madrastra, after Argemiro assured to him that he was prostituta and
that Negra', called `the Widow dissipate as soon as it listens Tajuil to use the same name
to go to her. Simón confesses its crimes to Virginia Although Holy already it has confessed
to him that never been it has enamored with her, Valentina does not think to surrender and
goes in his looks for to do a tempting supply to him. “Escápate with me and I will retire
the positions against Maria Teresa”, promises to him. Scandalized, the young person refuses.
On the other hand, Camacho hopes impatient to that `the Manco' and its men take the town.
Pawned on separating from the position to Remedies, the ex- mayor enfrentarse' with the
delinquents has decided `so that all include/understand that he is the person adapted for a
position of as much responsibility. Nevertheless, it will not be Cipriano, but Miguelón that
takes all the honors, when doing to flee to the forajidos ones. In fact, his son not only
has given back the tranquillity to the town; also the life to him has saved him, because
`the Manco' tried to really kill to him. Simón decides that Virginia sleeps with him to
avoid more scares and it speaks to him with total sincerity: “My life been has marked by the
ambition; the same hands that have also caressed to you have been able to kill”. In spite of
the impression that the words have caused to him, the girl assures that she does not think
to never leave to him and that, whatsoever, will remain to her side. Far from there, in the
city, the bishop to the aim accedes to that Damián is ordered priest. “In a moment you will
return to Brave Port and you will release to those poor creatures the yoke of Isidoro
father”, says Benito father to him. After the confession of Virginia, Torrealba tries to
stop the judgment, assuring to Remedies that Tajuil is a corrupt judge and who leads a plot
against Maria Teresa. But Holy account with more support del than their enemies imagines.
Dalila, that knows the weaknesses very well the magistrate, orders to Poppy and to Camellia
that use their feminine arms to remove any information to him that can help the Montilla
young person. Shortly after which Argemiro communicates to him to Ricardo that will be in
charge to defend its goddaughter, somebody shoots to him and the lawyer is seriously
Chapter 27 (Of the 11 Julio to the 18 Julio of 2006) Simón house with Virginia What has
happened? • Isabela accuses its premium to have tried to assassinate it. • In order to avoid
that his madrastra makes damage to Virginia, Simón asks to him to which goes away. •
Edelmira lies down with Cipriano Camacho in exchange for it protects which it. • Judge
Tajuil reveals that `the Tormenta' hides a valuable treasure. • `The Manco' and its men try
to take the town. • Valentina proposes Saints to him who fugue with her. • Somebody shoots
to Argemiro. What is going to happen? • Felipe notices that Urquiza doctor don't mention it
does not meet Mª Teresa. • Jesus discovers that Gisela has cancer. • Cipriano, hurt of
bullet. Bernarda hurts with its weapon to the aggressor of loved his, preventing it finishes
off so it. Next, Remigio stops the delinquent There and it transfers to `Tormenta'.,
Ricardo, to avoid that it speaks, the asphyxia. While, the mother of Trinidad, when seeing
that Argemiro is very serious takes, it next to Felipe. In the mayorship, Remedies notice
Cipriano that when demonstrates that Mª Teresa is innocent, it will initiate an
investigation to stop to the authentic guilty. In the meantime, Miguelón continues trying
that Solita accedes to marry with him, but her old fianc2ee is undecided, because also she
tries it to Alirio. Those that yes is determined to take the step are Simón and Virginia. In
fact, the pair is going to ask to him Isidoro father marries who them at that same moment,
but the priest puts thousand excuses to them not to do it. Before this refusal, Guerrero
asks to him its fianc2ee who is in charge to look for the ring and the witnesses for the
connection, whereas he is useful to confess himself. And in it is when it appears Edelmira
and, to pistol end removes, it from there. In another side of the town, Dalila confirms
Saints to him who as much judge Tajuil as the public prosecutor just arrived are
confabulados with Camacho, Edelmira and Isabela to be able to remain with `Tormenta'.
Alarmed, Torrealba goes in search of Alirio so that it helps him to organize the flight of
Maria Teresa. In the jail, Ricardo says to him to its goddaughter who Argemiro is on the
verge of dying, reason why must replace it by Sources like lawyer. The Montilla young person
accepts and she asks to him the lawyer if she is arranged to risk his life and to face the
orchestrated conspiracy to jail it and to snatch its property to him. Then, it labels it to
Ricardo as crazy person, while Sources listen to overwhelmed the accusations. Virginia asks
to him to Dalila that is the godmother of their wedding, but the owner of `Rojo' Small pump
refuses and is useful to advise to him that she suspends that connection. And she is that
she is convinced that Guerrero never will make it happy. Thinking that it is a good moment,
the woman also keeps awake to him that she is his true mother. She rejects it to the young
person: “By your fault I have been unfortunate all my life. You do not call daughter, I do
not want to me to never return to verte”. Destroyed, to Virginia march running itself.
Torrealba and Bernarda breathe alleviated when Felipe and Valentina communicate to them that
the operation of Argemiro has been a success. Saints advise to them that they say so that
recovers, because if dies, they will load with the faults, since they are dummys into the
hands of Isabella. The doctor remains thoughtful. The day of the wedding arrives. While
Isidoro father marries to Virginia with Simón in the presence of his friendly, Edelmira
emborracha and falls to the swimming pool. Rufina finds and the safe one to die drowned. Not
far from there, Saints, without suspecting that Nanny is going away it to tell Ricardo,
confess to him that he has glided to escape with Mª Teresa. While they speak, they receive
the news that Argemiro has waked up. Happy for seeing that his uncle is going to leave
ahead, Saints ask to him to Bernarda that makes see Valentina that is being used by Isabela.
It, convinced the aim that Torrealba is right, follows east advice, but her daughter
reproaches it: “I knew that Holy and their uncle was going to you to put against mine,
mother”. Thanks to the information that has given the ingenuous Nanny him, Ricardo has
solved the form to undo of Santos and Maria Teresa for always. To it will kill it to him
when it tries to release loved his, and to her it will assassinate way of the court. Once
solved this, Tormenta'. will bring the machinery necessary to perforate the ground of `But
it does not count whereupon Torrealba will discover its maleficent plan when it hears
speaking to him with Isabela. Damián father to the aim returns to Brave Port. Isidoro brings
up to date to him of all the happened one and just arrived it is going to visit Maria Teresa
to the jail, being promised to him to give all their aid to him. Edelmira requests to his
hijastro that mate After the wedding, Simón receives the news of the accident of his
madrastra and is going to visit it. Driven crazy, Edelmira asks to him that it does hers or
that mate, but rejects it with scorn. Saints comment to him to Nanny that Ricardo is behind
the plot to snatch `to him the Tormenta' to Mª Teresa. The employee cannot be believed and
undergoes when occurring account of which it has been a marionette into the hands of
Padilla. When leaving the house, Torrealba runs into with Valentina and it assures to him
that to her they will kill also it as soon as it is not necessary. Next, the girl sees
Urquiza doctor and desmaya. The woman has traveled to Brave Port at the request of Isabela
to declare that she was Maria Teresa the one that ordered the entrance of the daughter of
Bernarda in the psychiatric one. When one recovers, Valentina speaks with Damián and it
reveals to him that its marriage with Saints is null. Then, he assures to him that Mª Teresa
is innocent and Felipe affirms that he creates also it. The louts of Tajuil arrive at the
town. Remedies account occurs of which something rare happens and it offers his aid to him
to Montilla. She asks to him that she stops Saints so that does not comment a madness
Chapter 28 (Of the 24 Julio to the 31 Julio of 2006) Holy extraction to Mª Teresa of the
jail What has happened? • Ricardo kills the aggressor of Argimiro so that it does not speak.
• Miguelón deals with which Solita is committed with him. • Simón and Virginia marry. •
Edelmira begs to his hijastro to him that it does hers. • Saints discover who is the one
that directs the conspiracy against loved his. • Urquiza doctor arrives at Brave Port to
declare against Maria Teresa. What is going to happen? • `The Manco' is on the verge of
assassinating Saints. • Valentina finds dead to the Dra. Urquiza. • Edelmira tries to set
afire the house of the Ayala. Young Jesus takes to Jorge the tablets to him that he has
cleared to him to Gisela and he asks to him why they are. When the doctor, with serious
semblante, confirms to him that it is a medicine against the cancer, the son of Cipriano
leaves running there and goes in search of his wife. While, Felipe says to him to Valentina
that the Dra. Urquiza did not recognize Mª Teresa it saw when it in a photography and, for
this reason, doubt seriously that the Montilla young person had an agreement with the woman
tortured who it. But the daughter of Bernarda, blinded by hatred and the jealousy, refuses
to consider any version that exculpates of its Calvary to the owner of `Tormenta'. She is
made at night in Brave Port. Saints are outside the jail, in hunger strike. Suddenly it
appears there Miguelón, that he has been sent by his mother, Remedies, to convince to
Torrealba that he does not commit a madness. Knowing that they are watched from the weeds
over the man of Tajuil, both they initiate awhile of char it in that Holy, on the loose
language by the alcohol with which he tries to mitigate the cold, he tells the boy who
Cipriano comprises of an organized plot to rob the petroleum of `Tormenta'. Nanny takes
refuge in the house of Bernarda When finding out by Felipe the happened thing with the
photography, Bernarda begs to him to Valentina that stops the judgment. It is more, tries to
him to make see that its hatred towards the Montilla young person is motivated only by the
jealousy: “You cannot destroy to him to the life to Mª Teresa by a love that could not be”.
But it, with the hurt pride, responds that if his rival is really innocent she will be able
to demonstrate, it in front of the authorities. After giving to him to a branch of flowers
to Maria Teresa, as she ordered Saints to him, She dominated leaves the jail and one runs
into with his head, who is slept because of the drunkenness. To the dawn, the bells of the
church wake up to all the town, including Torrealba. The tension is concrete when the
conspirators meet to escort to Maria Teresa until the Court where it is going away to
celebrate the judgment. The Isabela evildoer does not fit in himself of joy. The multitude
is present at the exit of the prey. Bernarda returns to insist to him to Valentina: “It
hurts to Me very many that you are able to make only undergo an innocent person because it
preferred her Holy”. Then it arrives the overseer and it kisses with passion to loved his.
After whispering to him that it pretends a faint, it removes to a weapon and encañona to
Ricardo. Threatening killing, Holy it manages to rise with Maria Teresa to him backs of
Devil and to flee to galope from there. Already out of danger, the Montilla young person
remains overwhelmed when knowing the true face Ricardo: “I cannot believe to me. My
godfather always has been noble, good and loyal; it has been like a father for me”.
Torrealba tries to calm it with breath words: “This one is the principle of our freedom”. In
the town a monumental uproar forms. Cipriano leaves after the escaped thing, but `the Manco'
shoots to him behind and the ex- mayor falls seriously wounded. Also Nanny and Genoveva
flee, afraid than them Ricardo can do. By the way they gather Alesio and Remigio that, by
order of Saints take, them to the house of Bernarda. This one arrives at little accompanied
by Valentina. Although Dalila has confirmed that the judgment was fixed, the girl follows in
her thirteen: “She does not matter to me what she passes to Maria Teresa and Santos to them.
I only want that they pay reason why they did to me and am going to make sure that thus it
is”. Not even it dissuades it to Nanny when it gives to the newspaper of Mª Teresa him so
that it discovers it wanted how much it. It is more, throws it to Valentina and, taking
rifle, it leaves in search of rival hated his. Meanwhile, in `the Guanipera' is reunited the
conspirators. Tajuil does delivery to him to Edelmira of the papers that turn into unique
proprietor of `Tormenta'. Then, and without suspecting that it is spying on them to
Virginia, they offer by the death of Santos and Montilla. Isabela is not arranged to remain
without the part of `the Tormenta' that corresponds to him. For that reason, it enters the
room of Ricardo and after seducing it, it obtains that he promises his support to him. Far
from there, Torrealba and Maria Teresa arrive at the cabin where they think to spend the
night. Prisoners, ease up to rest, but Valentina, that is shortage its hiding place, enters
and it aims to them with the gun. “My dreams finished when you arrived says to him to
Montilla-, but I am not happy, you either. Before I kill to you”. In its house, Cipriano
agonizes in the presence of Miguelón.
Chapter 29 (Of the 31 Julio to 6 August of 2006) Argimiro requests marriage to him to
Bernarda What has happened? • Jesus discovers that Gisela has cancer. • Holy he plots a plan
to remove from the jail to Maria Teresa and flees with her. • Nanny and Genoveva take refuge
in house of Bernarda. • Valentina finds to the Montilla young person and Torrealba and
threatens killing them. • Isabela seduces Ricardo to secure its support against Edelmira.
What is going to happen? • Bernarda accompanies to Trini the city to become a transplant of
cornea. • Valentina prevents that Pedraza catches Saints and Maria Teresa. In the end,
Saints convince to Valentina so that he loosen the weapon. The young person collapses and
explodes in a heartbroken weeping that nor Torrealba can alleviate with its hugs. Maria
Teresa also tries to animate speaking it to him of Felipe. But the daughter of rejects it to
Bernarda with scorn. “I am single and I do not want your pity”, shouts while march to him
running itself. Then, Saints leave to wash themselves to the river. Suddenly, `the Manco'
aims to him behind. “I did not think that outside so easy atraparte”, says to him mocking.
Then, to obtain that it indicates to him where his hides loved, it begins to strike to him
with the help of a pal violently. Maria sees them to Teresa from the cabin and leaves with a
gun. Afraid of which they kill its fianc2e, it shoots to them and `the Manco' collapses in
the ground. Horrified, the Montilla young person approaches him and verifies that he is
dead. Nanny tells the truth him to Valentina After surprising its husband offering Edelmira
by the attainment of `Tormenta', Virginia the Small pump takes refuge in `Rojo'. But Simón
does not take in going to look for it. “You come with me by the good ones or by the bad
ones”, it threatens. Dalila interposes among them, but to his son-in-law it leaves it
unconscious of puñetazo. Then, it takes hold to his wife and the extraction to drays of the
premises. Valentina arrives very anxious at house of its mother and it requests to Nanny the
newspaper to him of Maria Teresa. When reading it, account of its tremendous mistake occurs.
“God mine, but what I have done? ”, it exclaims when discovering that the woman to whom as
much hates had resigned to the love of Saints not to do damage to him to her. Felt sorry,
Nanny is useful to explain to him that all their suffering has been caused by Isabela and
its maleficent plan to remain with Saints and `Tormenta'. Crazy of wrath, Valentina sets out
to take revenge itself of the niece of Ernesto. In the meantime, Simón arrives at the
property with Virginia and, more calmed, it tries to him to explain that he is in favor
crazy of her, but who cannot resign to all that one reason why has fought as much time.
Edelmira listens to everything and, when his hijastro goes away, it offers to the girl his
aid to him to get rid of him. Valentina finds Isabela and it gets involved in a ferocious
fight with her; only the intervention of Felipe manages to calm them. Distressed, the
premium of Maria Teresa runs to tell Ricardo that the major of the Ayala knows all the
truth. At that precise moment it appears Beatriz Urquiza to announce that march. Shortly
after, the daughter of Bernarda and her faithful friend are going to ask explanations to him
the doctor, but they do not arrive in time and they find hanged person next to a supposed
note of suicide. Felipe does not take in noticing that he has been assassinated and thus is
said it to Valentina. The girl thanks for everything to him what she has done by her, while
says to him that no longer it needs to him to his side. She is made at night in Brave Port.
Torrealba and Maria Teresa have returned to `the Tormenta' and encamp in a hidden place.
While, Argimiro tries to convince Pedraza commander of which their nephew and the Montilla
young person is innocent. Suddenly, it sees arrive a loaded van from tracking dogs and,
afraid than it can happen to him to Saints, it is united to operative the search one.
Knowing that the mission is not free of dangers, the man is going to take leave of Bernarda.
When seeing so worried it, Argimiro promises to him that, when returns, it will marry with
her. The heart of the woman explodes of happiness in its chest and, with tears in the eyes,
it accepts the proposal of marriage soon to kiss to him with passion. Minutes later,
Bernarda sees appear to Trini accompanied by Jesus and Juan Andres. After embracing it, the
woman is informed into which her daughter will be able to be put under a cornea transplant
to recover the view as soon as they find a donor. Then, it puts to him abreast of the last
events of the town and she says to him that Cipriano wishes to see it to request pardon to
him. Being useful that Holy has left, Maria Teresa is going to look for her premium. She
finds it in the lagoon and, pointing it with a gun she forces, it to leave the water soon to
undertake it to blows with her. During the struggle, Isabela snatches the weapon and
encañona to him. But before killing it, it decides to ***reflx mng itself of his pain while
it confesses all atrocities and misdeeds to him. Suddenly, driven crazy of badness, the
young person begins to see the ghosts of assassinated his and, being delirious, she tries to
drive away them to shots. Simón throws to its mother of the Property Edelmira appears in the
house of Bernarda and announces that she is the owner of `Tormenta', besides ordering to
them that they go away, because is going to set afire it. Virginia tries to dissuade its
mother-in-law, but as it does not obtain it, it is going to ask to him his husband who takes
part. After overcoming her initial resistance, the girl obtains that Guerrero faces its
mother and is going to help Bernarda. This one, when seeing Simón, is afraid, but
immediately it is convinced that a strange change has arisen in him and decides to listen to
him. All together ones return to the house and Simón throws to Edelmira of there. Oriented
by the noise of the firings, Saints find the Montilla premiums and reduce to Isabela. Quick,
he takes to the two women and he flees from `Tormenta'. While, Trinidad goes next to I milk
of Cipriano to listen to how the man implora him its pardon before dying. In addition, the
ex- mayor confesses to him that the Guerrero was those that ordered to him to kill their
family. Young Jesus, in the presence of Solita and Alirio, reproaches Juan to him Andres who
did not say to him that Gisela suffered cancer. The doctor clarifies to him that she
prevented it and advises to him that takes care of much, because is probable that it does
not survive the pregnancy. When the young person returns to his house is to his wife with
contractions. Without wasting time, he warns the doctor, that he confirms to him that the
childbirth has gone ahead. As quickly as possible they decide to transfer to Gisela to the
nearest hospital. While, the men of Pedraza reach to Santos and Mª Teresa. They decide to
release to Isabela to be able to flee more express. When the agents rescue the niece of
Ernesto, this one undergoes a great attack of nerves, repeating one once and: “Maria Teresa
knows everything to it, she must die”. Taking advantage of the absence its owners, Argimiro
strains in `the Guanipera' and, to pistol end, it takes control of the control.
Chapter 30 (Of 7 August to 13 August of 2006) Isabela finishes in manicomio What has
happened? • Maria Teresa shoots against `the Manco' and this one dies. • Virginia saves of
`Guanipera', but to his it forces it husband to return with him. • Valentina discovers that
the Montilla young person was not the culprit of his confinement. • Bernarda, enamored,
accepts the proposal of marriage of Argimiro. • Simón avoids that Edelmira burns the house
of the Ayala. What is going to happen? • Miguelón begins to coquetear with Jenny. • Edelmira
retains to Virginia, prepared to kill it to have free route with Simón. • Cipriano passes
away. Shortly after being transferred to the hospital in serious state, Gisela gives to
light a girl. With a voice thread, the young person whispers to him to his husband who is
his gift of love for him and exhala his last sigh, not without first to beg to a heartbroken
Jesus who puts the name of Trinidad to his daughter. Virginia swears to take revenge the
death of its mother While Santos and Mª Teresa live very enthusiastic moments, Ricardo
injects a powerful drug to Isabela. Without being able to move nor to articulate sound some,
the young impotent listening how the one that outside his the more signs ally explains to
Rufina that is in state of `shock' and it asks to him it feeds that it. Minutes later, the
pair of fugitive leaves its guarida and, practically immediately, they fall envelope a rain
of firings coming from a helicopter. Near there, Valentina listens to the shooting and,
worried, it assures Pedraza commander to him who manipulated it to Isabela and that the
Montilla young person is innocent. The commander, very serious, responds to him that she is
behind schedule for repentances. Rufina thinks that Ricardo is the person in charge of the
state of Isabela and it advises to Virginia that flees from the property, because she is
sure that Edelmira is involved, like was it in the death of its mother. With the hatred
drawn in her face, the girl promises to take revenge itself of her mother-in-law. Alleviated
to the knowledge that Torrealba and Maria Teresa have managed to escape of their pursuers,
Valentina goes with Felipe to the airport. Before raising the small plane that will take
from return to the city, the doctor says to him to his old patient who will forget never it
and that she is glad to have served to him as aid. Meanwhile, Ricardo, after speaking with a
mysterious called individual Santino so that it qualifies a room in the psychiatric one,
communicates to him to Isabela that will take soon to give it a long stroll. In Brave Port,
Miguelón reiterates to Solita its request of marriage, but she makes him see that she cannot
marry with him, because she does not love it. In addition, one either does not consider to
return with Alirio. “I Am going to raise son single”, asserts the young person. Knowing that
the mission is not free of dangers, the man is going to take leave of Bernarda. When seeing
so worried it, Argimiro promises to him that, when returns, it will marry with her. The
heart of the woman explodes of happiness in its chest and, with tears in the eyes, it
accepts the proposal of marriage soon to kiss to him with passion. Minutes later, Bernarda
sees appear to Trini accompanied by Jesus and Juan Andres. After embracing it, the woman is
informed into which her daughter will be able to be put under a cornea transplant to recover
the view as soon as they find a donor. Then, it puts to him abreast of the last events of
the town and she says to him that Cipriano wishes to see it to request pardon to him. Being
useful that Holy has left, Maria Teresa is going to look for her premium. She finds it in
the lagoon and, pointing it with a gun she forces, it to leave the water soon to undertake
it to blows with her. During the struggle, Isabela snatches the weapon and encañona to him.
But before killing it, it decides to ***reflx mng itself of his pain while it confesses all
atrocities and misdeeds to him. Suddenly, driven crazy of badness, the young person begins
to see the ghosts of assassinated his and, being delirious, she tries to drive away them to
shots. On the other hand, Saints send to Dominated to the town in search of aid, but the
horse is intercepted by Pedraza, takes that it to a stable. Valentina discovers the animal
and, after finding a note of the old overseer, it goes without doubting it in aid of the
fugitive ones. Simón appears in house of Cipriano to say to him that it needs his men to
prevent that they snatch `to him the Tormenta' and to recover `Guanipera', that is in the
hands of Argimiro. In spite of being very weak, Camacho refuses and it recriminates to him
that to only it uses him when agrees to him, but the unique thing that obtains is that
Guerrero makes fun of of him. In the burial of Gisela, Miguelón approaches Alirio to express
its condolencias to him and it tends his hand to him in friendship signal. With tears in the
eyes, the brother of the thanked for deceased the narrow one. That same day, Juan Andres and
Trini must start off for the city so that the girl is put under a transplant of corneas,
donated generously by the wife of Jesus before dying. Bernarda, although had glided to
contract marriage with Argimiro immediately, nondoubt in posponing its connection to
accompany its daughter. Thanks to It dominated, Valentina locates to Saints and to Mª Teresa
and it offers his aid to them. The pair does not hide its distrust before this sudden change
of attitude, but she manages to convince to them that its repentance is absolutely sincere.
Even so, Torrealba fears that the men of Pedraza have followed the Ayala young person and
their suspicions do not take in confirming themselves. The voice of the commander,
`invitándoles' to give itself, breaks the silence of the cave in which they are hidden.
Solita begins trabajarpara Alirio Alirio realizes of which, now Gisela is not, it cannot
only take care of the store, so it proposes to him to Solita that works with him. It accepts
enchanted. From the entrance of the cave, Pedraza promises the fugitive ones to look for a
new judge who takes care of the case of Maria Teresa, if they are given. But its supply does
not convince to the pair. Thus, with the aid of Valentina, Saints and loved his manage to
flee once again. Very far from there, Isabela is locked up in the same psychiatric one in
which it committed the daughter of Bernarda Ayala. Recovered of the effects of the drug that
administered Ricardo to him, the small outcry asking aid and assuring that she is not crazy,
but their words are ignored by the nurses. Trying to find a solution to the serious
confrontation between the Guerrero and Argimiro, Damián father accompanies to Guanipa to
`the Tormenta' to propose a truce to Edelmira. This one reacts both aiming at men with a
weapon, but before it shoots Ricardo takes part demanding to just arrived that they leave.
Pedraza, whose visits to `the Rojo' Small pump are more and more frequent, will end up
recognizing before Dalila that he also believes in the innocence of Mª Teresa. The
proprietor of the premises, then, requests to him that she works so that justice with its
friendly becomes. He promises to him he will try that it, not without first to ask to him
that he is on familiar terms to him and calls to him by his christian name, Augusto. Worried
about the security of their fianc2ee, Saints decide that the best thing is to go away more
far possible to avoid they find that them. Alesio is offered to take to them until the cabin
that his cousin owns in the border of the country. Nanny, that is not arranged to move away
of his `pequeña', insists on accompanying to them and Torrealba does not have more remedy
than to yield, in spite of the great danger that supposes the trip. While in the Cipriano
town it asks pardon to him Young Jesus by the damage that has done to him, in the city,
Trinidad, that already has been taken part, is prepared so that the doctor retires them to
him bandage that cover their eyes. Nevertheless, the illusion with which the girl arrived
soon at the hospital returns in desperation when verifying that it has not recovered the
Chapter 31 (Of 14 August to 20 August of 2006) Simón dies at the hands of Edelmira What has
happened? • Gisela passes away in the hospital after giving to light a girl. • Valentina
helps to Saints and to Maria Teresa to escape of Pedraza commander. • Felipe decides to
leave Brave Port to return to his house in the city. • Ricardo drugs to Isabela it sends and
it to the psychiatric one. • Alirio accepts the friendship that offers Miguelón to him and
both make the peace. What is going to happen? • Isabela tries to seduce a nurse so that it
clears the force shirt to him. • Ricardo orders the kidnapping of Argimiro. • Solita gives
to light a girl. Shortly after offering a substantial reward to catch Saints and Maria
Teresa, Ricardo celebrates with Tajuil, Edelmira and Simón that in a moment the fugitive
ones will fall in their hands and that, in hardly weeks, will begin with the extraction of
the petroleum of `Tormenta'. In the town, while Cipriano seems to recover miraculously,
Remedies include/understand that it needs aid in his workings as mayoress and asks to him to
Miguelón that is the person in charge to maintain the order in Brave Port. The boy, thanked
for by the confidence that her mother has deposited to him, accepts. Inconsolable not to
have recovered the view, Trinidad listens with gesture absents the words of spirit of Young
Jesus. Convinced that loved his he will return to see, the young person gives the letter to
him that left Gisela him and it says to him that she was who donated her eyes generously to
him. Near the place where they hide themselves, Maria Teresa and loved his are shortages by
two maleantes that, found out the reward that is offered by the pair, seem arranged to kill
them. When seeing that they only look for money, Torrealba offers a greater amount to them
and obtains that they leave them in freedom. Once out of danger, Saints request to him to
their fianc2ee and Nanny who do not leave house of the relatives of Alesio until the baby is
born, because, surely, some person will be looking for to them more. Simón realizes of which
Virginia has escaped again and it goes to the premises of Dalila. The woman assures to him
that she is not there and is useful to warn to him of the danger that runs the girl: “You
must remove it from `the Tormenta' the sooner and avoid that your madrastra does damage to
him”. Unfortunately, the premonition of the proprietor of `the Rojo' Small pump cannot be
more real. Then Edelmira, that has located to the girl strikes, it without mercy it forces
and it to return to the property with the intention to kill it. But this time the destiny
plays in favor of Virginia. When her aggressor is on the verge of shooting, Guerrero arrives
and madrastra gets involved in one violent fight with his. Trini is going to the hospital to
see the daughter of Gisela In the meantime, Trinidad, resigned to be blind all their life,
as soon as it can believe it when their eyes focus the figure of Bernarda. Crying of
happiness, the young person embraces his mother, who cannot either contain the tears. Next
to them, Juan Andres, Valentina and Felipe, who have been going to visit the patient, smile.
The excessive confidence in its improvement takes to Cipriano to ignore Consolation, that it
advises to him to follow in the bed, and to give by finalized his convalecencia. Hungry,
Camacho savors an abundant lunch, but the excesses are pleased and, before finishing, it
falls thundered against on the table. Valentina thanks for Felipe to him whom always there
is been next to her when it has needed to him and it confesses to him that it wants much to
him. “But only like a a friend”, interrupts the doctor. Nevertheless, the words of the girl
have revived their hopes and, after communicating that shortly it will start off to him for
Spain to realise a Masters, it proposes the sister of Trinidad that accompanies to him: “I
could ayudarte so that you study there”. She, moved, promises to him she will think that it.
The struggle between Edelmira and Simón is extended during several minutes until a firing is
listened to. After fixedly watching at his madrastra, Guerrero falls dead to the ground,
before the horrified gesture of its involuntary assassin, who shouts trying to reanimate to
him. Terrified, Virginia flees from there and is gathered by Abel Caín, takes that it until
the guarida one of Tatacoa. Trini goes to see the daughter of Gisela and in the elevator of
the hospital it agrees with Jesus, although account of its presence does not occur until it
listens to speak to him. Recognizing immediately her voice, the girl pronounces her name and
he occurs to the return, being both against in front. “God and Gisela made the miracle. I
can verte and the world del that as much you spoke to me”, whispers Trini to him while Young
Jesus approaches he embraces and it, happiness crazy person.
Chapter 32 (Of 21 August to 27 August of 2006) Santos and Mª Teresa occur Yes “, I want”
What has happened? • Santos and Maria Teresa are able to escape of cazarrecompensas. • Trini
recovers the view after days of uncertainty. • Cipriano, being believed recovered, occurs a
food stuffing and passes away right away. • Felipe asks to Valentina that goes away with him
to Spain. • Edelmira is going to kill Virginia, but Simón interposes and is he who dies.
What is going to happen? • The louts of Ricardo find the fugitive ones. • Trini doubts
envelope which feels towards Juan Andres. • Isabela discovers that it was Ricardo committed
that it. Ricardo, furious because their men are not able to give with Santos and Mª Teresa,
reproaches with violent threats its ineptitude to them to capture `simple laborer and one
embarazada'. In the psychiatric one, Isabela tries to seduce the nurse so that it clears the
force shirt to him and, when not obtaining it, takes the ear to him of a bite. Between pain
shouts, the attacked one orders that they send to the patient to the room of `electroshock'.
Far from there, wide-awake Virginia between pains childbirth before the glance of Tatacoa
and Abel Caín. Ignoring her state and ignoring that his husband is dead, the girl insists on
going to look for to him. In house of the cousins of Alesio, Nanny surprises men roaming and
warns Saints who, alarmed, ask the women to load the light truck to flee immediately. In it
they are when, suddenly, they appear Alesio, Genoveva and Damián father. Before the interest
of Mª Teresa by the reason for his visit, the priest explains to him that she has gone to
marry it with Saints. Nevertheless, before fulfilling its assignment, the proximity of louts
of Ricardo forces Damián to be united to the hasty flight of group. Soon they are reached
about his pursuers and, while they hide to defend itself, the Montilla young person is able
to kill men both. In the hospital, Jesus is on the verge of kissing the sister of Valentina,
but she avoids to him. Immediately afterwards, while both visit the small Trinidad, the
sincere young person with loved his: “Thanks to you, the sun shines again in my heart”.
Dalila, on the other hand, begins to worry about the lack of the news of Virginia and leaves
in his looks for. It locates it in the cave of Tatacoa, on the verge of bleeding after
giving to light to a boy without life. Without thinking it, the owner of `Small pump takes
it to Rojo' to her premises. Reclaimed the tranquillity in the group, Damián father proposes
to Torrealba and its fiance'e to celebrate his wedding at that same moment. They accept and,
with Alesio and Nanny like godfathers, the ceremony begins. “If somebody has something to
say against this marriage, that speaks now”, cries out Damián father on the verge of
declaring to the even husband and woman. Suddenly, an unexpected firing returns to frustrate
the celebration. Ricardo has sent to more men and Saints, opposed by the new interruption,
are themselves forced to leave in their search. Paralelamente, Tatacoa is lamented in its
cave by the dead boy and curses the Sybil, to whom fault of the misfortune. Also Virginia,
that finishes recovering the conscience, breaks to cry when Dalila says to him that his son
has died. Edelmira, on the other hand, has happened of the grief to madness and is incapable
to assimilate that Simón is dead. The woman, with the body of his hijastro between the arms,
transfers to `the Tormenta' with the hope to save it. Once there, between kisses and
caresses, the woman speaks with the corpse while she hopes to that Ricardo cures to him.
This one, overwhelmed before which she is seeing, tries to make enter because of its ally,
but the woman is totally deranged she throws and it of the quarter without contemplations.
Immediately, the godfather of Mª Teresa goes to the encounter of judge Tajuil and, after
informing to him into the distraction state of the widow, it communicates to him that if
does not improve it will send it to the psychiatric one, next to Isabela. Trini accepts to
marry with Juan Andres After ending the life of one of his pursuers and hurting to the
other, Holy it returns next to his loved to continue with the ceremony. Finally, Damián
father pronounces so wished words: “I declare to Torrealba Saints and Maria Teresa Montilla,
husband and woman”. Moved, the Sybil is present at the scene, without being seen. Far she is
to imagine the happy pair that, in is precise moment, Isabela is on the verge of escaping of
its confinement. The young person, after hanging to one of his nurses and leaving to other,
empty a gasoline can out of action and sets fire to the clinic, causing the death of interns
and workers. Tired and hungry, the Torrealba and its friendly, finally, cross the border and
they settle in a small town, in the hope that the daughter of the Ernesto deceased gives
light. The unique one that does not accompany to them is Damián father, whom it has
preferred to return to Brave Port to follow with his work of priest. Bernarda and Trinidad
also leave the city, sad because Valentina will go away to Spain, but happy to return to
house. Nevertheless, before starting off, the major of the Ayala and Felipe discover that
Jorge has been assassinated. By all means, neither it suspects that the author has been
Isabela. Anxious to see loved his, Argimiro goes to the airport to wait for it, but during
the passage it is kidnapped by order of Ricardo. This one will try, in vain, to force its
hostage to sign a document that grants the total control to him `Guanipera'. Bernarda, on
the other hand, is scared when, when lowering of the airplane, Remigio it puts to him to the
current one on the disappearance of his fianc2e. While an insane Edelmira arrives at the
church of the town, thinking that hijastro accompanies his, so that it marries them to the
parish priest, Ricardo and Tajuil incinerates the body of Simón. Taking advantage of madness
its employer, Rufina escapes and runs in search of Bernarda to inform into the death of
Guerrero and the kidnapping to him of Argimiro. Without doubting a second, the landowner
runs to rescue it. Shortly after the burial of Cipriano, Solita is put of childbirth and
gives to light in the light truck takes that it to the hospital. When seeing its daughter,
Alirio does not support the emotion and ends up desmayando itself. Miguelón, after
congratulating the moved parents, proposes to Jenny that is their Trini fianc2ee, on the
other hand, accedes to marry with Juan Andres.
Chapter 33 (Of 28 August to 3 December of 2006) Ariana saves the life to him to Saints What
has happened? • The baby of Virginia is born dead. • Edelmira drives crazy and speaks with
the ghost of Simón. • Isabela kills a patient and escapes of the psychiatric one. • Santos
and Maria Teresa marry during their flight. • Rich it kidnaps to Argimiro, but Bernarda
manages to rescue it. • Solita gives to light to a girl and Alirio desmaya of the emotion.
What is going to happen? • Alesio leaves to Edelmira without cattle. • Isabela takes to Mª
Teresa `Tormenta'. • Damián and Alirio are jailed. Nanny, Alesio and Genoveva they arrive at
the place where Maria Teresa finishes giving to light to her small Maria Lucia, to alert to
Torrealba that the men of have found Rich them. After getting rid of louts, Saints decide to
return with theirs to Brave Port. Indeed there, Bernarda and Argimiro are celebrating their
wedding. During the connection, while Juan Andres tries to advance his marriage with Trini,
Alirio does all the possible one to convince to Solita that it becomes his wife. The
following morning, Holy and the others they enter the dining room where Guanipa and its
flaming wife are having breakfast. After the touching encounter, uncle and nephew decide to
take `the Tormenta' that same night. The brother of Cipriano arrives at Brave Port Looking
for answers, Isabela appears in the office of Santino and it aims to him with a weapon. The
gangster one assures to him that she was Rich locked up who it and, showing a briefcase to
him filled with tickets, says to him that needs he it for another mission: “All this money
will be yours if you give to the daughter of Mª Teresa and Santos to me”. After the young
person accepts the treatment, the man telephones to one of his minions and orders the death
of Torrealba and his wife. Her daughter, Ariana, that is been listening secretly, goes away
horrified. Tatacoa proposes to Edelmira to give back its sanity to him with the condition of
which it helps him to reclaim territories of his ancestors. Again in her exact ones, the
first that does widow is to try to kill Virginia, but Dalila interposes and is seriously
wounded. Something later, madrastra of the Simón deceased will take one pleasing surprise
when eeting again itself with an old well-known, Field Elías Camacho. This one says to him
that the death of its brother of Cipriano has returned to take revenge itself. At night the
taking of `begins Tormenta'. Rich escapes after hurting to Tajuil during a fight by the
unique horse available, but Maria sees it to Teresa and leaves after him. Saints follow
their wife of fence and prevent that the man mate, lowering to him of a firing. Minutes
later all celebrate to have reclaimed the property of the Montilla and Isabela takes
advantage of the uproar to raptar to Mª Lucia. The parents of small, the desperate ones,
persecute the kidnapper and, when seeing that he has gone away in a small plane, they take
other to try to reach it. While, together Jenny and Miguelón spend the night without
knowledge that spies on them to Michelle. In the morning, the professor, terrified,
discovers to loved his without life in the middle of a blood pool. When Remedies find out
the happened fault to the young person it sends and it to prison. Near there, in `Tormenta',
also pain shouts are listened to when Demetrio arrives at announcing that the small plane of
Santos and Mª Teresa has exploded in the air. At that moment, Santino celebrates the death
of the pair with Isabela, that has been going to give the baby to him. After accusing its
father of assassin, Ariana goes to the hospital where it works like surgeon, without
imagining that the destiny has to him prepared a great surprise. Nothing else to arrive,
discovers that the victims of the small plane have been transferred there and he hurries to
take care of them. After reanimating to Saints, it is going to see Mª Teresa and observes,
hit, who has prácticamene all the burnt body. When finding out that it has had surviving,
Isabela uses one's wits them to enter the hospital and to take to its premium. Also the
louts of Santino appear to eliminate Torrealba, but Ariana flees with him in an ambulance it
takes and it to his house. Edelmira returns to take control of the control from `the
Tormenta' and Argimiro, decided to rescue to Maria Lucia, asks to him to Alirio that takes
care to recover it. Shortly after, Tajuil appears in house of Santino with a message.
“Guanipa has said to me that it is arranged to make a deal with you in exchange for the
girl”, it says to him to the judge.
Chapter 34 (Of 4 September to 10 the September of 2006) The double game of Argimiro What has
happened? • Bernarda and Argimiro marry. • Jenny is jailed, accused to assassinate to
Miguelón. • Santos and Mª Teresa suffer a serious accident when they try to rescue his
daughter, who has been kidnapped by Isabela. • While the Montilla young person struggles
between the life and the death, Torrealba saves its life thanks to Ariana, the daughter of
Santino. What is going to happen? • Isabela chantajea Montilla to Santino. • Those of the
town try to release to Damián. • Ariana goes in search of the daughter of Saints. Arranged
to recover `the Tormenta' to the price that is, Alesio, Bernarda and several men go more to
the property to try to thus take to the head of cattle to `Guanipera'., Edelmira Guerrero
will remain without their main source of income. While, Remedies decide to loosen to Jenny,
although it clarifies to him that still he is not free of positions. Far from there, in the
city, Saints return in himself and, when seeing a newspaper next to its bed, begins to read
it. When Ariana enters the dormitory, it surprises his patient sobbing and immediately it
includes/understands the reason. “My wife has died and I, without her, either do not want to
live! ”, Torrealba shouts. Affected, the young person tranquilizes to him saying to him that
the corpse that was in the room of its wife was not his: “Apparently, somebody took it of
the hospital, but nobody knows nothing”. After Tajuil gives the message him of Argimiro,
Santino orders to one of its men whom it eliminates Guanipa. What the gangster one does not
imagine is that the twig and its victim already are known. Before the lout, Gino, fulfill
his assignment, the uncle of Saints recognizes to him and both end up animatedly chatting of
the times in which they were cell companions, in spite of which, Argimiro does not obtain
that his ex- colleague gives to information on his head and secuenstro him of Maria Lucia.
Jenny appears assassinated in its house Saints ask to him Ariana that lets to him march to
go in search of its daughter and of her wife, but she indicates to him that he must rest.
Suddenly, Santino appears in house of its daughter asking to him if it helped to escape to
Torrealba. She, nervous denies, it, and obtains that his father goes away without
discovering that the boy to duer me in the room of alongside. On the other hand, Argimiro
escapes of the jail thanks to the fact that Gino sticks a shot in the leg and distracts the
attention of the guardians. At that same moment, Isabela makes its entrance in `the
Tormenta' with the body of its premium. Edelmira, when seeing it, rejoices: “That is what it
is of pride and proud Maria Teresa Montilla”. Near the property, in the town, all meet
surroundings to the house of Jenny when hearing to Pensacola to assure that the girl is
dead. After examining the body, Juan Andres leaves to the door to corroborate the fatal
news. Other people's to the misfortune, Trini and Jesus embelesados contemplate to the small
Trinidad. Finally, the pair cannot ignore by more time its love and it is based on a kiss.
Nevertheless, when he proposes to him to flee, it responds to him that its relation is
impossible To the following morning, Argimiro awakes in the brothel of Gino. When this one
enters to celebrate the success of the flight, the uncle of Saints asks to him that he
infiltrates to him between the men of Santino. The lout accepts and, after disguising to
Guanipa properly, takes it with him to see the gangster head. On the other hand, Saints also
rise early to go to the hospital. There he demands the doctor to him who took care of Mª
Teresa who lets to him recognize his supposed corpse. The overseer breathes alleviated when
verifying that he is not the one of his wife. When it leaves, it tries to avoid to Ariana,
that has been going to look for to him, but Santino and its men appear suddenly and only the
intervention of the girl avoids they see that it. Very been thankful, Torrealba accepts its
aid and it rises his car to persecute to the maleantes. In Brave Port it seems that nobody
is able to restrain the misdeeds of the conspirators… , While Isabela mistreats to Mª
Teresa, Elías Field, thus turned into head of the local Police, stops to Damián Father and
Alirio accused to rob the head of cattle of `Tormenta'. In spite of the gravity of his
state, the Montilla young person leaves the room where she convalesces and she goes to the
library. Nothing remembers, reason why, when it sees enter Nanny suddenly, it is scared and
it returned running to his quarter. Edelmira and Isabela, when finding out that his hostage
escaped lock up, it with key and decide to maintain it with life to make suffer it most
possible. Following the car of Santino and its men, Torrealba enters `shock' when
recognizing its uncle in the middle of the group: “It cannot be! He also betrayed to me”.
Fearing that the state of Saints takes to him to commit a madness and that to its discovers
them father, Ariana he decides to interrupt the persecution and hide-and-seek with the young
person in another one of his houses. Nevertheless, the overseer is not in agreement with the
decision and he escapes to go in search of Argimiro. Nanny, after telling to Damián father
the strange vision that it had in the library, informs to him into which it is going to
return to `the Tormenta' to find out who was that bandaged woman. Thus, the employee enters
the room of Maria Teresa and, without suspecting that she is his young beloved, oath to him
will help that it to escape. She surprises it to Isabela she locks up and it with his
premium. Then, Nanny discovers finally its identity. Far from there. Saints locate to
Argimiro with the lout band in the premises of Gino. The beautiful Ariana, that has been
disguised of prostituta, enters and it kisses to him so that they do not discover them. But
he cannot avoid that his friend, crazy person of wrath, encañone to his uncle when this one
is going to salute to him. Argimiro does not take in explaining its plan to him and the
overseer, after overcoming his doubts, embraces him and breaks to cry.
Chapter 35 (Of 11 September to 17 the September of 2006) Edelmira, kidnapped and tortured
What has happened? Saints discover that Maria Teresa is alive she looks for and it with the
help of Ariana. • Argimiro infiltrates between the men of Santino to rescue to Maria Lucia.
• Jenny dies assassinated by Michelle. • Father Damián and Alirio is stopped and jailed by
Elías Field. What is going to happen? • Maria Teresa is able to recover the memory. •
Michelle tells Remedies that a son of Miguelón has. • Solita returns with Alirio. Santino
calls to Isabela to communicate to him that it is going to send to one of his men to gather
to Maria Teresa and also to say how Tormenta'. thinks to him to appropriate itself `But, for
surprise of the gangster one, her partner responds to him that she has allied herself with
Edelmira and that she does not think to allow that she fulfills his objective. The bad
moment by which it crosses Brave Port contrasts with the cloud in which they seem to live
Genoveva and Alesio. During one of her habitual conversations, the ex- maid of the Montilla
promises to the young person who will be to his side by very badly which the things and he
are put, smiling embraces, it. Not very far, Nanny is prepared to wash to the burns of Maria
Teresa, while this one retires them bandage of its face. Suddenly, the young person
approaches the water bucket and begins to shout terrified. The faithful nursemaid tries to
hide the horror that produces the disfigured face to him of its employer and tries to calm
it, assuring to him that it will not leave it. The woman, in addition, does not take in
discovering that his `niña' does not remember anything of its past. In the city, Ariana,
that follows pawned on helping Saints, she facilitates a direction to him of Rebeca and she
asks to him that she verifies if the daughter of her prote'ge' is there. The employee
accedes, but before she warns to him of the serious danger that supposes to commit so many
madnesses by a simple stranger. “Although you do not want it to recognize, you are falling
in love with him”, warns him. While Argimiro confirms its nephew to him who Isabela took to
Maria Teresa to the town, Rebeca appears in the address indicated by Ariana. Úrsula, the
proprietor of the house, tries to undo of just the arrival, but this one listening the sobs
of Mª Lucia and runs to notify to its female leader. Without wasting time, the doctor tries
to rescue the baby, but Flavio, one of louts of its father discovers, it prevents and it.
Hardly minutes later, Santino remains of stone to the knowledge that the own Ariana is
helping the man who it wants to eliminate. At that moment, Brave Port is a battlefield. Fed
up with the abuses of Elías Field, their inhabitants go out and, making heard deaf to the
forces of the order, they release to Alirio and to Damián father. Ignoring the ruling chaos,
the brother of the Cipriano deceased takes advantage of the visit Isabela to lock up it and
to try to sonsacar information to him exceeds what it is happening in `Tormenta'. Meanwhile,
Ariana is let take by an impulse and kisses Saints, but, when not observing reaction some,
separates and it requests excuses to him. In spite of the hatred that has seeded in him
Tatacoa, Abel Caín has not forgotten that Torrealba saved the life to him and, to pay its
debt, rescues to Nanny and Mª Teresa. While they flee, Elías Field visits Edelmira in order
to find out something more on the woman than it has locked up. Before the refusal of the
widow, the man orders to stop it and he is appropriated the house. Solita, that has still
not found out the liberation of Alirio, is directed to the jail, but Michelle, grasping a
knife, interposes in its way, prepared to kill it. Luckily, the providential appearance of
Magdalena, that has returned to the town to remain, saves the daughter of Chepa of a safe
death, when disarming to the unbalanced assassin. Without knowledge that Isabela has fled
from its confinement, Elías Field confesses to Edelmira that works for Santino and it
assures to him it will force that it to reveal the whereabouts of the woman of Torrealba.
The scared prisoner says to him that Mª Teresa has fled, but its detector no longer listens.
“Obligadla to speak, although you must kill it to obtain it”, orders its minions. Abel Caín,
that has been malherido, asks to him to Nanny that follows ahead without him, because still
they are in territories of `the Tormenta' and are in danger. She, nevertheless, refuses to
leave to him. Argimiro plans the rescue of Mª Lucia Madrastra of the Simón deceased as soon
as it can support the tortures of which it is being object. But immediately it
includes/understands that its Calvary has not made than begin more, when hears to Elías give
permission to its men to do with her what they wish. After receiving the order to take to
Maria Lucia to the doctor, Gino shares with Argimiro its suspicions in question of a trap to
discover to them. Nevertheless, Guanipa only thinks about rescuing the girl and it says to
him to his friend that will take advantage of the occasion to take it. Far from there,
Saints say to him to Ariana that will not leave continues risking its life by him and she,
only bothers, march leaving themselves him. Chapter 36 (Of 18 September to 25 the September
of 2006) The Florecitas alvan to Maria Teresa What has happened? • Santino remains of stone
when discovering that her own daughter is betrayed to him. • Magdalena prevents that
Michelle assassinates to Solita. • Abel Caín helps to escape to Nanny and its employer. •
Elías field appropriates `the Tormenta' and puts under Edelmira to all type of tortures so
that it says to him where it is Mª Teresa. • Saints decide to travel to Brave Port to rescue
his wife. What is going to happen? • Demetrio requests aid to him to all the town to destroy
the Tatacoa evildoer. • Santino prepares its offensive to `Guanipera'. • Pedraza arrives at
the town. Isabela is able to arrive at `Tormenta', but before entering the house it by
chance discovers the hiding place in which his hated premium is hidden. Nevertheless, Abel
Caín, with its last breath of life, is once again able to save its prote'ge'es, who flee as
quickly as possible. In the end, the two women will end up separating and, while Nanny
arrives exhausted at the property of Bernarda, Mª Teresa begins to vagar without fixed
course. From way to the hospital, where Gino already has arrived with Maria Lucia, Argimiro
confesses its nephew to him who Ariana is daughter of Santino. Saints cannot think what is
oyendo, but immediately it is concentrated in his main objective: to save to its wife and
her small one. Then it does not matter to him nothing else. While, in Brave Port, It
dominated is able to escape of the stable in which they have to him locked up and, following
his instinct, it undertakes galope towards the level one. Hardly minutes later, the horse
pauses before a desperate Maria Teresa, who is crying in the ground. And it is that the
memories are crowded in their mind without giving a moment him of breathing. Since Gino had
suspected, the excuse to take to the girl to the hospital was a trap of Santino and this one
appears in the place. When seeing him, Holy it demands to him that it gives to his daughter
aiming to him with a pistol and the friend to him of Argimiro the delivery this one. The
arrival of Ariana will trench the discussion. The girl encañona to its father and aid to
Torrealba and Guanipa to flee with Mª Lucia. In the town, Michelle surprises Consolation
once again assuring to him that it had a son with Miguelón and that the small one is in the
city. Without still leaving her astonishment, the mayoress runs to look for Jesus to notify
to him. The Florecitas also will take an authentic surprise when running into, against in
front, with Maria Teresa. As quickly as possible, they help it to the girls to raise its
light truck and they take `the Small pump to it Rojo', they hide where it to avoid so Field
discovers it to Elías. Solita finds out that Alirio already is in freedom and runs to look
for it. When seeing itself, the pair does not need words to reflect its feelings and it is
based on a kiss. Far from there, while Holy and their companions go to the airport to take a
small plane that takes to Brave Port, Gino tries to maintain to Flavio and Santino to good
collection. The gangster one, nevertheless, is able to get rid and, after assassinating the
man whom it has betrayed to him, it goes after them. When arriving at its destiny, Torrealba
sees several louts waiting for them and it asks to him his uncle who raise the airplane,
because he still has a pending subject that to fix. Immediately afterwards one goes to the
car of Santino and, putting a pistol to him in the back, it demands to him that it orders
his men who leave the airport. After giving to Michelle to Elías Field, Remedies request
permission to him to go to San Francisco in search of their grandson. The brother of the
Camacho deceased refuses to that she leaves the town, but allows that Jesus does. This one,
then, assures its uncle who will go, but before he notices to him that he does not bother to
his mother in his absence or he will see them with him. Far from, Santino he is sure there
that Torrealba is not going to shoot to him, but this one promises to him it will do that
it, although soon they kill him to him. “Therefore I will make sure that nobody will make
damage wife and daughter”, says the young person. Once again, it will be Ariana that
interposes both between men, although this time will be for begging by the life of its
father. Feeling sorry itself of the doctor, Saints ask to him he handcuffs that it. “Since
wife has made damage, I return I kill and it”, threatens its enemy. Before the grief of Mª
Teresa, he tranquilizes it to Dalila assuring to him that Holy he is alive and that at those
moments one is in the city looking for his daughter. Then, one get ready to cure the burns
of his friend, in spite of the deep impression that causes its disfigured face to him. “The
best thing will be not to return to ponerte them bandage so that the wounds heal before”, it
says, i
Chapter 37 (Of 25 September to 1 October of 2006) Saints find his wife What has happened? •
When finding out that Michelle had a son of Miguelón, Jesus is going to look for his nephew.
• Solita and Alirio reconcile. • Dalila and its girls save the life to Maria Teresa. •
Saints arrive at Brave Port with Argimiro, Ariana and the small Maria Lucia. • Edelmira dies
devoured by the crocodiles. What is going to happen? • Saints shoot to Santino. • Dalila
tries to convince to Demetrio that Tatacoa does not have to be lynched. • The Sybil appears
to him to Nanny while she says. Eager to embrace her daughter, Maria Teresa enters `the
Guanipera' without being seen and arrives until the room in which Nanny finishes leaving the
small one. Without suspecting it close that she is the Montilla young person, in the
contiguous stay Nanny, Bernarda and Genoveva they are asked how long will take in finding
it. It will be Dalila that, shortly after, locates to the landowner in a cabin. As the
Montilla young person refuses to go to the town, the mother of Virginia commits itself not
to expose it and to take food to him while she insists on not saying the truth to him to
Saints: “I will be pending of you at any moment, but you also must put of your part and to
leave a doctor sees your wounds”. Maria Teresa denies with the head, but she kisses the
hands of its rescuer, in gratefulness signal. In the meantime, in the city, Santino has
found out where it has the hidden Police to Isabela and sends to one of his partisans it
eliminates so that it. Nevertheless, since already it has happened other times, the capable
girl manages to escape of her twig without too much effort. Far from there, It dominated is
more anxious of the habitual thing and Torrealba, insurance of which intuits something,
decides to let itself guide by him. Moments later, the horse pauses before one separated
cabin and the rider get ready to enter. After throwing a look in the interior, Saints decide
to leave but, suddenly, somebody sends to envelope he. The young person, in the ground,
tries to get away of the person whom she has above, but their forces leave when recognizing
to him their attacker. “Young lady? Miss Maria Teresa? ”, she whispers with the broken
voice. Restrained, the daughter of the Ernesto deceased rises immediately and returns to the
penumbra. “I know that you are because, although she has that mask, nobody has a so sweet
glance. He does not know how much I have suffered without its presence”, continues his
husband embracing it. Nevertheless, she manages to loosen and flees from loved his. Not very
far from there, Ariana is kidnapped by several men and taken before Flavio. This one
communicates the daughter of its head who Santino is waiting for it in the neighboring town.
Argimiro does not take in finding out the happened thing and reunites to several neighbors
to go in his looks for. Somebody is touching very insistently to the door of the parochial
house and Damián father goes abrir. As soon as he sees the burned hands of the woman who is
before him, includes/understands that Teresa is Maria invites and it to happen. Desperate,
Holy it arrives at Brave Port and, after requesting aid to Alirio, both go to the church.
When finding the closed doors, Torrealba deduces that her wife is inside and she shouts the
parish priest to him who allows him to enter. This one advises to him that it leaves to
Maria Teresa reflects, because is convinced that pity in him only wakes up. “he does not
matter to me how it is his body, also love I it and am going to wait for it all the life if
it is necessary”, assures the ex- overseer. Alesio interrupts char it to tell him that
Ariana has been kidnapped by its own father. “I am going to fit accounts with Santino, and
this time one of both will leave dead the confrontation”, promises Torrealba. Then, the
hostage is being transferred in car to a place certainly only meets his ancestor, but she
manages to untie before arriving at his destiny and brings about an accident. Being useful
that their guardians are unconscious it removes, them from the automobile and, immediately
afterwards, it takes the vehicle. “I will not leave you make more damage, papa, although for
it you must kill”, thinks to me aloud. A TARÁNTULA FOR EVILDOER ISABELA Demetrio manages to
convince the inhabitants of Brave Port of which Tatacoa is the cause of all the misfortunes
that for a long time lower the town. “The witch must die! ”, the boy shouts. Maria Teresa
observes the raised crowd and leaves the church sigilosamente. While she enters herself in
the forest, the woman remembers the words of the Sybil: “Daughter, only one test of love and
mercy by your part will be able to change to your destiny and the one of all this town”.
Other people's to which it is approached to him, Tatacoa uses already his decreased powers
to invoke to Yorocu with an objective: to assassinate the wife of Torrealba and to make
disappear the town for always. But its badness will become against her when the indigenous
God appears to him and all the pain protests to him that it has caused: “The curse that you
have spilled on the white man will fall on you”. Saints Pedraza finds by chance with and,
when this one explains that it is looking for to him Santino to stop it, is offered to help
him. Isabela also finishes arriving at Brave Port to start up its revenge. But before
achieving its objective, one tarántula is on the verge of ruining its Machiavellian plan.
Chapter 38 (Of 2 October to 8 October of 2006) A magical end in the Storm What has happened?
• Saints are able to locate to their wife, but she flees and she is hidden in the church. •
Santino orders the kidnapping of its own daughter, Ariana. • Demetrio convinces its
neighbors that Tatacoa is guilty of the misfortunes that have happened in the town. •
Isabela returns to Brave Port in order to take revenge itself. While Ariana goes to the
hiding place of its father to prevent that it continues making damage, Demetrio and a
infuriated multitude goes after Tatacoa, pawned on lynching it. Luckily for the witch, and
also for her astonishment, Mª Teresa it appears suddenly and the aid to escape of his
pursuers. When seeing that the women have entered the grotto of `Sibila', monaguillo calm
the spirits of the neighbors, saying to them that her protector will decide the destiny of
the sorceress. Inside the cave, the mother of the Montilla young person makes see Tatacoa
that the same person to whom she cursed has been the one who now has saved him the life. Far
from, Torrealba, convinced that there his wife remains out of danger in the church, she
locates to Santino. Unfortunately, this one reacts quickly and it aims to him with his
weapon, prepared to kill to him once and for all. The chance, nevertheless, wants just that
Ariana arrives at that moment and interposes both between men, when its ancestor finishes
tightening the trigger. While they are waiting for to the entrance of the cave the
development of the events, Demetrio comments to Damián father the incomprehensible thing to
him who seems to him the attitude of Maria Teresa. “It is not so difficult to understand. In
spite of the damage that has made him Tatacoa, it is lost no her capacity to feel mercy”,
responds the priest Dalila takes part in the conversation remembering to the boy whom in
certain occasion to him also they tried to lynch it: “Why now you want to do the same”. TO
FORGET THE PAST FOR ALWAYS The compassion demonstrated by the victim of its badnesses has
softened finally the hard heart of Tatacoa. This one, sorry, asks pardon to him the woman of
Saints and puts its hands on its disfigured face, while it formulates one of his magical
spells. Satisfied by the miraculous change that the sorceress has undergone, `the Sibila'
announces its daughter to him who its mission has finalized and that now as much she as
Tatacoa must walk towards the light. “I love you, my small Maria Teresa”, says to him, while
a blinding one I pull ahead surrounds luminous them to both. “I also, mother”, answer the
young person before to see them disappear for always. Hardly moments after the ambulance
arrives where is Torrealba next to the body of Ariana, appear Demetrio and Alesio to tell to
the ex- overseer all the happened one. Although he is firmly determined to kill Santino and
to take revenge therefore the death of its friend, Saints decides to pospone its objective
and to verify that her wife is well. While Teresa goes as quickly as possible in search of
Mª, the man does not hide his surprise when encountering the corpse of the very same
Isabela. “The level one always is in charge of offends which it. In the end, unique the good
thing that you did in your life went to feed the serpent that now you have next to you”,
says before following its way, to backs of Dominated. Near there, in the property
`Guanipera', the kind Nanny listens to a voice, smooth candy and, that is to him very
familiar and that whispers: “It is necessary that one the past forgets for always and that
nobody returns to speak of him”. After the miraculous treatment of Maria Teresa, the
frightful death of Isabela and the .redemption of Tatacoa, the time is calm and happy past
for all the inhabitants of the town, among them Juan Andres who finally will see Trini
turned into his wife. The day of the connection, friendly and relatives of the pair meet in
the church, with an exception: the Torrealba marriage. And it is that Genoveva finishes
warning Saints that Maria Teresa is on the verge of giving light. After asking to him to
Alesio that excuses to him before Bernarda by not being able to attend the wedding, the
moved father runs towards the property, insurance of which, this time, his wife will give a
man him. When seeing the gesture of contrariedad of the man, who already knows that she is
young, Nanny asks why as much persistence to him in having a boy. “Certainly God must be
sending so many women to him to punish it by all the broken hearts that have left their
step”, the nursemaid exclaims, before its landlord has time abrir the mouth. “I am happy
with my daughters, but itself wanting a machito”, he aloud thinks. Already in the dormitory
of the pair, Saints approach the bed where her wife maintains in arms to new born. “He has
not been man”, he comments Maria Teresa, fearing to him to have disappointed. It,
nevertheless, is enchanted: We will look for “It more ahead, now only I have gratefulness
words to have given another as pretty daughter to me as you. By the way, what names we are
going to put to him”. “Zurima, like your mother”, responds the landowner. And, as the
happiness is infected, a similar atmosphere is lived in Brave Port. The wedding of Trini has
given an upset and the girl has been able to make reality her dream, for joy of Bernarda. As
far as Virginia, it has convinced his mother so that the Rojo' Small pump turns `into an
animated restaurant, in whom the Florecitas exert of efficient waitresses. Pedraza,
conscious of the unjust thing that it had been to now separate Dalila of his daughter who
both have reconciled, has let its position of commander in the city to dedicate itself to
the field. But this business is not the unique newness in Brave Port. For satisfaction of
all inhabitants, who see as the progress arrives at the community, Consolation decides to
acquire a truck of firemen it puts and it to the position of Ciro and Pensacola. On the
other hand, in `Tormenta', Rufina comments to Nanny the happy thing to him that it feels to
work for the Torrealba, mainly after the bad thing passed that it through the accident of
their employer. With serious gesture, the nursemaid advises to its interlocutor who does not
return to mention that subject, but its semblante relaxes when remembering that, luckily,
“the love cures everything”. A HAPPY FUTURE FOR BRAVE PORT Four years after the wedding of
Trini and Jesus, a new ceremony has excited to all. Although it seemed that its connection
was not going to never arrive, Alirio and Solita has decided to formalize their relation.
This time Holy hopes to be able to attend, mainly because it is the godfather, but their
plans return to trastocar themselves when Alesio communicates to him that Maria Teresa has
put itself of childbirth. “It seems that my wife insists on giving to light whenever
somebody house”, comments Torrealba, before directing itself to her home, where they hope to
him, excited, its four daughters. After asking itself for fifth time if the awaited man will
have been born, the llanero verifies with the open mouth who has not been a boy, but two,
those that his wife has brought to the world. Forgotten the worries a difficult and stormy
past and next to its six sprouts, the pair reaffirms a love that has been indestructible.